Warframe _ Prime Time & Devstream #97 Highlights Reel
one of the things they used to do for the division community was a state of the game highlights real they used to have a weekly dev stream that used to run for about an hour or so and I used to cut out the most relevant parts and just push that out as a video on my youtube channel I've spoken to Rebecca from Digital Extremes and she's given me the permission to do the same sort of thing here with the weekly primetime streams as well as the dev streams which happen once every now and then so you can expect that sort of stuff on my channel going forward digests of the most relevant parts of primetime and the dead streams all the rest of the stuff cut out I hope you guys enjoy this sort of content I'm definitely going to be doing more warframe content in future but for now we're just going to start with some news enjoy the show guys Oh bye hello everyone and welcome to find time episode 178 you know I came back into this the middle of the hot hydroid action an...