'The Doom Slayer Wouldn't Bully A Science Nerd' - Coffee In Cars With Doom Eternal Devs

 right so today's a big day I'm at QuakeCon 2018 I've just come out of the keynote for like all of the big news we saw doom to like gameplay reveal which is like [ __ ] amazing and what I managed to score was an interview with Marty and Hugo the two dudes at the top of the doom pyramid they're the guys that are making this like just insane game and I'm gonna be doing one of my car interviews I don't have a car here so I had to hire one and today we're going texas-style


not stupid jazz is stupid okay we're finally here are we in the car to go pick these guys up from the for yay as we say in my homeland so we're wrong we are now and as I said my battle tank which is a hired car it's a Dodge Ram I'm assuming they call it a ram because that's what you do to other cars with a vehicle this large absolutely actually you can ask you a favor could you my Singh in the middle is that all right and then like can you also try and lean forward as much as possible because otherwise what the camera will do is it will do this thing where it's trying to constantly zoom in on your head we are now in the car and I also drive on the other side of the road in my house even as I was as I was leaving the car park the guy was like dude this is a big car I feel it I feel it like yeah I'm really this person is in a real trouble I don't think I can get through that do you think I can get through that yes you're in a ram that is the job of the RAM okay right we're part of a thing okay well I'm assuming it's where you where you get what kind of car would the doom Slayer drive if he drove a vehicle Dark Knight Returns the the Frank Miller cop Batman has this sick sick Batmobile that he goes to fight the head of the mutant yeah it's [ __ ] huge yep and that's that's what the dudes later okay he'd steal it from Batman is the dim Slayer ticks so he should be we have very good gun laws here we wouldn't even like Texas okay as in permissive or is in long hours and permit no right okay we open carry God sealed carry you get a license you know he's definitely I kind of feel like all it games have that Texas vibe to it yes you know what I mean kind of a gunslinger vibe they're made in Texas which i think is super super badass and so he's just might be yeah the Lone Star State I can't spin groove around this they'd be proud to have it let's say that yeah that's the origin of the doom Slayers not something we could talk about cuz you're gonna learn about that okay that's spoiler run say let's say he he would he the text he'd fit right in with the Texans let's wait I can't think of another state that he belongs in no more so than Texas yike yes you know he's definitely not East Coast he's definitely not West Coast nah he's not from New York freeze I mean you could maybe say like Montana or Wyoming yeah yeah really Texas is pretty young where you belong


so so we're now here where to get Lord Texas it's a resort and we just had the keynote earlier today and I want to talk to you guys about how you feelin cuz like you've been working on this thing for like forever now and it's out of the bag how does it feel to like you know have it out there it feels amazing it's like it's the you know it's kind of it's like a release at the same time for us it's very much the beginning of a roller coaster ride to to finishing the game or shipping the game you know you always you kind of have your kickoff and then you have your ship and over that time you have a bunch of demos and this this was just the for a lot of people and it's you're waiting to get the the reveal but also it's like now now i becomes very very real because everybody starts talking about it everybody starts building up the expectations so let's write obviously doom 2016 you're like [ __ ] you landed it right it's like does that level of success create something liberating for you like okay cool we know what works we're just gonna do more of that or is it like holy [ __ ] we put lightning in a bottle we're never gonna be able to that again people are gonna hate our next thing we're gonna think we're frauds we're finished like how how does that how did that help you or hurt you just say we landed it though it was like we did a great job but like as a as a creative I think you always know what you could've did you know part is never finished as just abandoned so like our team is stronger we're working better than we ever have we have incredible people so what we're able to do basically is just do more work at a better quality at a faster pace which means we can put now more awesome stuff into the game that fans want yeah and so it's more like I mean we're just we were  just itching to tear into it I mean you know that the team is just like everyone is just devouring this stuff and we're plowing through it so it's not it's not a fear of like oh can we reproduce dude [ __ ] that like it it's more like I can't wait to go in tomorrow because we're going to jam another awesome thing on doom 2016 really it gave us a level of confidence and we talked about this all the time as a team like being able to the type of alignment and working together that happens over the course of making doom and having it landing it you know both in a in a from a creative perspective but also the trials that you go through in the long hours and working in the trenches everybody just gets a confidence in each other and yeah and we've really like we've maintained almost the entire team worked on that so you know with a few exceptions going stuff it's awesome because everybody just you feel you almost get to the point where you feel like man we can we can take on anything and and even Big Ideas you just like but we got we got the best people in the world working great together and we're gonna we're gonna hit it it's really fun 

 so listen I want to get some drive-through but I think this is the wrong place the plan was to get like drive-through from what about a lot of Whataburger is good it is yeah I know there's definitely one around here somewhere point two miles yeah really cool that's the ones we're doing here bright Texans are gonna be proud when they watch this really ok cool cuz I did a Canada one with the Wolfram team and we drove through Starbucks as opposed to like there yep it's that orange and white alright excellent okay cool hello hello so do you guys want anything yes sure what are you gonna get I'll get a vanilla malt even one vanilla Motz I'll take that small that small shake or whatever you talk about the the calves assault again and two salted caramelshakes things that's it thank you thank you very much my son is leaving for college thank you his I think the thing he has said he's going to miss the most is water so tell me there's one scene in doing this trailer that really stuck out for me and that was that the scene when the Slayer is walking through the basement phobos yeah and the people are looking at it tell me like how that scene came to be tell me the history of that same very often you know you'll walk into a scene and in a video game and it's it's MPC performance time in some NPCs gonna come in front end it's all about him and he's this really cool character is cool dialogue but it's not so much about you as it is watching him and and him talking to in his performance right so we wanted to put the attention on you you're the star of the show so when I walk into a room nobody says anything they're awestruck by me and how we can make the player you know elicit an emotional response from the player by really essentially just walking down a hallway and no one's saying anything yeah and it's not about some MPC performing in front of me it's just about if anything it's just his reaction to me and how he just wants to get the hell out of my way and the coolest thing was to it's like that you could also tell a lean story like people don't have to be yappin nonstop to tell an effective story to communicate Who I am as the player you know tell you something about the hero people are scared of them he's this legendary figure say all these things and there's what maybe like six words said one year just the one guy who says oh my god it's him but then throughout that sequence we're telling you all kinds of stuff I mean that the opening line you know the hostiles approaching the BFG 10,000 she says they've overrun the lower levels like you can see that there's a struggle going on here you're paying attention there's a struggling going on not everybody's down with this human invasion clearly you're dealing with the gut be I just work here guys that's why I was thinking that is the guys like what the hell is going on I just work here you know and then that one line that the guy says if corporate says we got to let him through and the guy turns I was like what why like you could tell that they're not in on this yeah top brass who caused this who's delivering these insane orders and and these poor guys are like what the hell then you know just based on the way they react to him and that one guy says oh my god it's him that they've heard of The Legend of the Slayer like they know of him maybe they've seen muddled video footage or amongst the UAC employees there's just these whispers of this guy but like corporate tries to hide it you know they want to be scared or whatever so all this stuff comes from just like their reactions and a handful of lines we take great pride in being able to tell effective stories with with with really really a minimal amount of dialogue and content very lean as it wasn't 2016 and then I love that this is really important to us that the the he's not a bully he doesn't stare down the nerdy guy show you know we always described it as in the first room I'm walking amongst like the science nerds science nerd I love that he's just sees the door they're also impressed by him but the only thing that doomsayers thinking is and then when he gets out there he gets in with the jocks somebody who thinks they you know they're in space armor - yeah in most games and carrying guns yeah you see just pop pop things you know it's like and they're scared of you in most games those guys would put up a fight you might die behind a door I love how they try to step to you so now I'm out of the science lab and I'm in with the jocks and and he goes to step to you but realizes mid-sentence so for that sequence it's very subtle but he didn't stare down the nerd but he just for a brief moment stares down the guard yeah I did notice that actually it was like I know the whole the whole construction of that because I know you've spoken about Robocop in the past yeah oh that's that felt very Robocop it just felt like everything it's like he's walking in through that police station for the first time and everyone's like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that it's the fact that you the fact that you you pick the exact scene that was the the kind of reference yeah like I need your clothes your boots new motorcycle yeah yeah I did like people like that who are uncompromising and very direct and you know you know that they could just do whatever they want essentially but they don't take advantage of it those are those are admire Boleyn my herbal characters and stories people that you could grieve for people that you aspire to be and that are appealing to watch do you ever feel like the do slaves to badass like you wanted to have like a tender love scene or like he needs to deliver a speech to the United Nations about like please stop this demon research we're going down the wrong path is there ever any space where  we need the doom Slayer to be less bad the only space there is is to ask the question right okay is that a question that gets answered I wonder maybe this way right got it okay


so so wit tell me about the whole like invasion thing like where did that come from like what was the deal with that what wait what was the inspiration for that making social yeah yeah yeah I mean you know people we had we had multiplayer in 2016 didn't didn't appeal to people quite as much as we'd hoped right on and and for  a lot of understandable reasons and and and the biggest one was that it wasn't it wasn't a social experience really perfectly aligned with what people loved about do which was playing the campaign we did have playable demons in in the in the multiplayer and as we kind of team started to look at the options invasion was just something that they you know a lot of inspiration from from some other games and it works amazing and it's so good holy [ __ ] yeah I go I'm played and it works really really well the thing about it is is you when you play as a demon it's a totally different it's it almost broadens the experience because you you you get a chance to see things from and and and have mechanics and gameplay and speed that's different than the Slayers so you kind of get a whole whole different game within a game and and from a Slayers perspective it just makes it makes playing the campaign much more dynamic unpredictable a lot of drama we really we've just touched on it here at QuakeCon so we're gonna be doing a lot more on it down the road and I think as we dive into the mechanics of it we really really start to talk about some of the some of the features of it people people understand where we're coming from Mariah so I think people just love the idea of deceptively it just kind of yeah it just comes together like two drops of water perfect fits too perfectly it's the doom dance but with your friends yeah and the key was it seemed like the best most intelligent way to be able to play Duke with your friends without completely messing up the experience where like you have to compromise their doom dance just to be able to play with your friends right and then when you looked at it it's like well why wouldn't you plays the demons they're a huge part of the dude franchise about good versus evil Slayer versus demons and we spend so much time developing the enemies we call chess pieces they have wonderful attacks they've got tons of personality they're fun to play against in front of he has so it's like you should just consider them one of the options for what players can become in order to play against each other and it works extremely well it has it's totally its own flavor how could certainly invasion is better it's no secret I'm like a huge fan the show and so but the minute that you put it in our game because of our enemy types it just has its own feel to it but the best part is it totally feels like do all right you know you're not compromising anything so the duo dance with your friends awesome tell me how do you guys explain to your kids what you do for a living my son he was there they saw the trailer they saw the blood so obviously there's no wow there's no like hey we make sure that there need to be 15 years and over to watch this stuff that's amazing my daughter afterwards I'm like what did you think it's just like it was scared kids are awesome well Dave first of all this stuff it's going on in my house all the time show and then I always try to like get them used to it because I always try to get them excited that that's what I mean I want them to be interested in pop culture obviously but that's typically the case with kids and being a parent they're never quite as interested as you want them to be right I expected my son who's you know really big gamer and we play together all the time all kinds of stuff and as soon as the presentation was over I'm like what you think fancy it's like it was good can we go with the pool super cool hey I've got an idea for a game right it's like imagine the Slayer he has a son right to a demon and then the demon dies and then the Slayer needs to take his son through the levels and [ __ ] and like teach him fatherly things give him fatherly advice while slaying demons the Slayer has a son god of doing this is what I want to call it does this idea have legs is this is this a winner where you're pushing this into though he's compares that's quite the question first we said what state do we think this layer it from it yeah we're asking the question what kind of a father would this exactly right where do you be a good dad I don't know he'd be tough love I'm guessing I don't really think but maybe it's not maybe it's the other side of him but he's like you know I think the real question is what would the son of Slayer be like that that's a good story yeah a little out of control a little bit yeah look anyway guys let's see it I just wanted to say a huge thank you like he do in 2016 like the doom I've been playing head games for long as minion you know mean and I wouldn't be sitting this car today were it not for you and you know the stuff you guys have been doing forever is incredible doing 2016 was just this complete shocking masterpiece which is just like holy [ __ ] because I remember when it first the multiplayer came out and there was like the review embargo and everyone's like [ __ ] or no is this gonna suck man I don't know that everyone came out they're like wait a second this is actually the best [ __ ] thing ever matter so what you guys have done is incredible what we saw today was just nuts you just wait I'm sure that it's gonna be pretty nuts and when and we can expect the release date obviously you'll reveal that right now I'm sure no butter you up a little bit and then doing over the kill but amber knows but but no sushi thank you very much and good luck with everything you guys are just amazing thank you thank you thank you very much



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