Warframe _ Prime Time & Devstream #97 Highlights Reel

 one of the things they used to do for the division community was a state of the game highlights real they used to  have a weekly dev stream that used to run for about an hour or so and I used to cut out the most relevant parts and just push that out as a video on my  youtube channel I've spoken to Rebecca from Digital Extremes and she's given me the permission to do the same sort of thing here with the weekly primetime streams  as well as the dev streams which happen  once every now and then so you can expect that sort of stuff on my channel going forward digests of the most relevant parts of primetime and the dead streams all the rest of the stuff cut out I hope you guys enjoy this sort of content I'm definitely going to be doing more warframe content in future but for now we're just going to start with some news enjoy the show guys Oh bye hello everyone and welcome to find time episode 178 you know I came back into this the middle of the hot hydroid action and in this meeting we release 20-point 21.5 and you know point five usually are pretty big but now we kind of named our update school or so now a number system number but this week we released ten Oh Jen round nine highly anticipated announced at the kennel con which was joy eight and it is now live on PC it's going to come on consoles with it later but if you're playing on PC you can see the following transfer good difference in yes and yeah so we have a great offering here you can take a look at rate in the forum's in the in-game news I've already spent quite a lot on fleshing out my fashion frame with this rounds offering and you know if you're content to create a fruity no Jen you got a check out our current round 10 is already been and I've already been actively promoted for you guys to get content in that's Susy fiend so that means no give you not like boom I don't know it just three the posts that clearly I don't know I remember it's basically Halloween themed without being over through and dark visceral and junk nervously my family like no really but we also released them hydroid squeaks yesterday as well as today we didn't fixes and so the last basically a week defecate when I was on vacation but it did go out Thursday not weren't say about Lisa exactly a week ago the hydrate revisited went out a week later we have several rounds of changes several rounds of fixes more amounts of fixes will come as bugs get reproduced and fixed and in today's hot fix we posted more of the fixes that came such as being in vulnerable in undertow which is of course unintended and there's just a few things there about not at the fourth part of hydroid fixes and changes our lives what does that mean for his future and if you're wondering what that means it means we do plan on fixing more bugs like I said but we are also getting it more time now before we make any bigger changes so we're not going to not touch him again we're just giving it more time before we go in and do any big changes if we do so that's where we are with hydro Sango and that's sort of the PC week recap good consoles yeah it's got 21:40 3.0 on a Monday morning as you guys are enjoying that Chow you have to lens I hope you're causing many many explosions with that we did do a hapax today we brought over some of the hydro changes and fixes but there are a few that you will notice are missing that are currently live on PC if that is because some of those changes that we weren't able to hapax I have to go through cert so they will be included in the next update for you guys which is relatively soon so stay tuned in prime access over on prime access is ending soon soon as August 29th hey what is equation up here oh you did I just took time passes and true the August 29th was the last time for over on prime access that does not mean that he's going into the vault and his relics are going to be gone that's all going to still be there but the actual prime access program of Oberon will be finished and a new one will start I'm one of their heroes go away I have no idea we do an investor tomorrow dense tree number 97 is tomorrow on this channel at 2:00 o'clock eastern time it's going to be everyone - Jess because he's too cool for us tomorrow we're going to talk about if you saw the forum thread that is asking for your questions you'll get an idea what's happening tomorrow it's not the deep dive into the idle on sites that we it was going to be and there's a few reasons for that one polish to do we want to spoil it those are the questions you'll learn about to RL thank you and so much more so pirate prime comes August 29th and I'm crystal balls is probably unless something goes horribly wrong model yeah given I hope it's not like we're live so nice try to hold the smile for the hold drink welcome to our 97 to Deb stirring we are here for the 97th time on TC 10 Oh Jen round 9 released this week console players are getting it in their next update so stay tuned for that it wasn't simultaneous this time but 1000 Jen around 10 will be simultaneous and submissions for 1000 Jen 10 and on the 31st why so early well it's horror themed because we're aiming to release it on Halloween on all platforms so we're getting our 1000 Jen creators to get working on submitting something by August 31st so we can make that GPA tennouji around happens we kind of promised people a little bit of an update on our deluxe skin situation for almost a year you've kind of been waiting on deluxe khun's you know status of ones that we've shown whips on and otherwise so our team have moved around a bit in that time and I know a lot to go wondering about the ember skin which we actually are working on an entirely new concept for however the mag deluxe skin we have a one hour ago progress shot of the skull event record or awesome and this is from the Wonder or the Wonder Ray at one o'clock so this is the current sculpting progress on mag deluxe which is beautiful I love that as the maid is ridiculously good as wild so if you've seen the original concept from past Deb's dreams either a superfan will hook you up with it or you know here it is so that's coming soon let's see what chad has to say about value and then another one that people usually Don is that relaxed which as we said many times it's a passion project for someone that's working on the planes vital on photo you know we'll see very much I don't look data so there's none other that's the only update is that there is no update remember we also have a new deluxe skin commented by one of our own has has been working on not we want something by modeling yeah I discussed oh here we go sothe heart necrose is getting a deluxe game is all just the nikrif looks yes yes that is correct that you said it before you insult this cuz you're back in time so so yes and then I think there's another image genes very pointy very pointy so much basically a ghost yeah yes I just whisked I also whisper going to be animated they are cool yeah they're going to be they're going to be animated as my understatement yeah no I would lose going to work in the plane since we don't have extraction if I go kill 100 birds get 100 burden yeah these are problems that we're currently solving you know with the mission structure you know what happens when you take a job and then squat up here guys who decides which job you're taking you know we use the star chart currently to figure that out or you know we're having to insert stuff into the into the flow so players can figure that out same with extraction you know typically you get your prize at the end of a mission you know we don't want players to necessarily always have to go do a single mission then come back to the gates to interact in order to say its mission and yeah you know so we're having like a currently inserting as a midterm so you get ready to mission end prize that is what you complete a certain job doing something or you still completing something you know and then thinking that with the database whether it's safe often and then the players can continue on in your planes and do other things right so the idea I think behind the planes is not necessarily a one and done it's it's gold and explored in space bridge go hang it right camp out there until we got to make sure that the game is friendly to that it isn't like cool I just spent the last four hours out there and then I crashed or I lost my internet connection all that work is gone right so we're making sure we put edges in there that tape off progress you know catch a really awesome fish we're not just going to like leave that limbo and hope that you get to a save point it will be saved up and we're not necessarily putting all the extractions that at the gate you know we're you're gonna be able to extract all sorts of like episode very soft with all the work that's gone into the current planes do you think it'll be easier by comparison to make future landscapes for sure definitely the the render tech behind it the AI tact the navigation you know Isham the mission flow the mission structures all of the you know minigame and resource collection a lot of stuff will be solved makes will be more of a like we've done other missions traditionally rated basically reskin it give it some fresh content give it you know a new twist for that location and i Ogle's yeah we're missing school and we were already working on the next location the concept our team has already spent some amount of time to kind of develop that next location we we think it's going to be a Venus location and we think it's going to also unveil a totally new culture to set alongside the asraam so there's we're finishing out we're finishing landscape but obviously it's all about the entire team working on Alliance it's what's going to be next after it as well are there any other activities other than fishing planned for the landscape and bird hunting Enbridge now yeah amber don't think she'll be out of work package into other ways yeah we also have a prospecting kind of thing I think someone just made a joke and chat about how it looks like we want to delete warframe and make a Minecraft game well guess what we're adding gorgeous attics or rather not ready to open as well so there is a bit of this kind of like a gem or prospecting aspect as well because if you might have noticed in the idle on plans there's a lot of like rocks and kind of there's caves and things like that so we have that as well and I do have three levels of art that kind of speak to the gem I don't know if it specifically to the mining system but gem system for the idle on planes and this is some concept art for what would a gem look like in more frames if it was refined and was not not all these were approved but this is sort of motive creative start from Vegas and the second iteration I think had you know okay well we recognize these little gold things from the modular weapon we scratch roads those are the balances so here we have approved that's in the balance or going to be and then last but not least is the sort of closest to final version of those gems in the balances with a possible aesthetic for them that's pretty cool hmm so my understanding is the gems that you earn you can put in the modular system is that related or is that something else yes it is indeed five is indeed was a connecting agent this stuff is hot off the press but there's a lot of I don't know how much we're we're gonna give it all for going to talk about but this is part of a rework of the arcane system in warframe oh and oh it's hot depression and a stomach lacks some classes of our canes are actually going to be created by players through this kind of prospecting and refinement system and they're going to be more they're going to be fitting on things more than they did before and they're going to be obtainable in ways that beyond the current ways so there you wait okay also a trial focus play right now would say wait a minute do I tap will the our canes and trials stay exclusive to trials or is that that's the current plan yep there will be a new exclusive set that is brought to the plane and used for the craft weapon system and potentially more and then there's a new set that's going to be geared towards the operators as well perfect no don't think yeah so there's still be obviously we want to make that content fit it in two different spots all right you don't want to just get everything from the same spot otherwise a dilution gets nightmarish so and as we are developing this it looked like arcane so it's time you know we had promised changes their game system so it just made sense to kind of combine it all and get all one bigger system under one so that players could be introduced to and then understand great and we have a few things we still wanted to do even with existing archeins in terms of ease of use and stuff but we're going to fold into all that well there you have it yeah like gems would only be in on the planes but you can use them on things outside of the ones though we're saying the gems are going to be our canes that are compatible with things that come with plane divided line yep and then the arcane system is basically going to be opening up wider so we have the trials our canes these will be added on to them and a little bit more fleshed out and basically some of tight compatibility and some of those types are going to be more given to players in terms of creation well glass frame have her own quests and what backstory will be for is there another way speaking of glass frames of my personal fashion frame applied to the lady that's yes we're cool will she ever own quest or what's the if she can be more but you're like wishes so I'm just quickly showing you guys the plate the seat is town at night and when we're showing the gems earlier it's going to be involved without these glass room yes yes sorry for chat yeah area I don't know how we decided this is getting some quest or how we're getting left we talked about it there's a shovel in the ground their shovels on the ground for a Plains something that happens on the plains that feeds into but it's kind of an expansion of Australia culture so there is something planned marry out so I don't know if this is contribute bill confirm but we didn't go down this way during 10 o con but right now this guy's got some cool resources and stuff but this is eventually my understanding is where the gem will take place in terms of cool stuff for the jumpers perfect either way Oh what are you doing I'm just yeah let's talk about your customized yeah I don't in cape this is my color scheme I went with but some people might have a you know that's one I also made not no and that's the default right now cool so you can go hardcore random but I liked what I made so I kept it actually looks like a samurai glass Queen she'll be tied to the planes in terms of acquiring her yes that's just that's a little right now down to that yeah we can what given ease like top level marks better abilities yet further well we have the first round kinda in and I've been playing with it and I don't really love it so I'm kind of going back to the well and seeing what else I can go fight alright we have an event coming down the road soon but not too soon which is a bit of a throwback event so we have some skins coming for a series of weapons that is very traditional weapon looking so for example that I'm so weird to see that so weird to see it in game like worried yeah my brain is is riding right now yes so that's something that's coming for quite a few weapon resumed it's not called that the weapon names are just placeholders right now yeah oh I see how it goes the product earlier no yep so I'm pretty cool well though it's pretty close you can yeah and you can do that'll - yeah and you can feel tensed up long ago yeah look at that let's take a look at also a cool David what are you doing here oh oh oh oh this guy preprocessing oh yeah oh baby so he looks pretty cool with that to be honest yeah that's perfect for him Elmer actually that's pretty cool yeah that looks sick are you kidding me yeah that's nice oh my gosh so what his ponytail is amazing so I'll probably stick with defaults just good randoms oh no pretend you didn't see that Google - people devolve ulcers that is hey there's a lot of baths there yeah he'll a big boy look at his shoulders are like pure power so uh yeah what since all image s like the detail on the back of his helmet and everything yeah I probably should take him in capture out yeah needle oh yeah oh my god I'm pretty happy with where he's at and yes you may have a few oaky things you're in there but definitely let them ride for a while so enjoyable arrows P now I know I think that's August 29th that's one over on go the way and we do them the same day now so if we're going to use women typically say that so now it is yeah if we're wrong whatever you know just our day me I'm gonna does like a very dirty dirty well that means he's also second so assuming whatever happened to Nathaniel you announced a rework a year ago but nothing's really happened kaylynn ambulance have both received reworks before he before they were even an out that's right X is right where did that end up I think you're cutting stuff down the character pipeline in character land for quite a while has been pretty slammed with all of the other craziness that we've been doing here Tom and his team have also been sidetracked with every thing all of the bosses that have already gone out to rework so those losses and the new stuff that is coming like the flame I have entire new mission system

 and proven redressing all the AI is eating that team so and all the gameplay systems that go with it so we maybe might be like the bird it might take a little while for exactly what he'll eventually say exactly and you confirm new culture I know that it got pretty full I think the design so I definitely had a lot of development on that really interesting yeah I'm not sure what the implementation is that currently you may have heard in other Digital Extremes news that we you know when we announced Keystone we did it on the stream just to talk to you guys a little bit about what's happening from a de perspective there and we actually just announced the rename of Keystone to the amazing Eternals Sheldon was in the video oh yeah a connection at yeah well I mean that was the highlight I thought the video yeah with you being that interesting and just no no I mean it's fantastic I guess I'm a napkin chat yeah we're sure we're pretty excited about it you can sign up at you know amazing eternal calm and get your name in if you want to be part of the beta and if you want we have a founders program lots cool stuff coming for lucky awesome and we will watch and enjoy and play our support what happens to the Nemesis system is it still coming out or can we get an ETA will it integrate it all with the plains of Eidolon so that will make me call it kingpin but first not integrate it will not be integrated and probably the easiest answer is playing the violin is eating the entire dev team or a good portion of them to shitpost eating them truly consuming there exactly we have to sacrifice one every every game they got fairly far along I think it's a bit of a Content bottleneck now yeah this is democracy works but I think we want to flesh it out a little bit more but again people have been diverted to get planes shippable all right they also have a follow-up question about will we ever have a catch-up mechanic for the daily login rewards even for cost plot my buddy and I have gleefully catch up he'd never cross plat but you would and I would gleefully pay since he couldn't play for a year and half due to real life complications we don't have plans to do that that's the first I've ever heard of that idea it's an interesting question to pay packer brush yep I didn't you generally like much of warframe we really are pretty sensitive to things that have a bit of the icky smell and that was that that question is one I think it's the best intentions that you've acid in but it does have a bit of a bit angry if you presented that wrong I think people would be yeah we're say anything to the press yeah paper dress I think people would be put off by that you know there are a lot a lot of other really cool weapons a mod and it could go for those for now like I guess would be the answer there's a lot of cool stuff and login rewards but there's so much in the rest of the game that it's true I'm trying to give anything in my life I'm trying to think if there's something very specific they're looking for any buttons are really popular energy men venus and then incomes favourites no yeah I know and then the prime mods of course sorry one yeah exactly the prime mods and the weapons will better the hot it's a hard thing right if you want to reward the players that have been comes out of that long yeah coming back in a bit long in Leon it's also sometimes feels punishing to new players the I did significant you know when there was no visibility into the system many people didn't know what was coming it was a little easier but now that there is a history where players go okay well now we know what the this block of time equal it's hard to reiterate ago I want I didn't imagine you're the player at 578 days oh yeah I would be so so this looks a lot of yeah a lot of weight there will be see the grineer from the plains added to the rest of the game I think we're calling them tusks right now because you know we already have frontier the tusks greener will be a different type yes I don't think so don't think no Plains only where was the Idol on gameplay we kind of alluded to this and said that was a goal for this stream but it didn't happen now one aspect of that was polish the second was do we really want to spoil the work in progress bar fight yeah and everyone decided that that was more important to not do then various Polish issues so whether or not the next stream will contain that is still up for the do we really want to spoil a debate which is not concluded yet but there just lays a lot more other things we could also show that that yeah there's the operator you guys really left there really impactful at the end the pentacon you said you're kind of advancing your operator to a warrior state and that's something a lot of people are really interested in so we can focus on that extreme as well let's see where we show that for sure well should be do such a reckless they are we learned nothing in 97 degrees total people has every work as well what the whole focus may work yeah you want to talk a little bit about chocolate no I mean the next put that that's getting close now you can't very close it's got mine not right he said all right well thank you to the warring communities you have a long log in streak thank you for sticking with me so long yeah if you do if you're new to work reins if you're new thanks for coming and listening to us bobble on the couch and oh yeah you stay with us for a long time got a lot of cool stuff coming very soon


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