Top 10 Anticipated Campaigns of 2022!

 what's up rockstars and welcome to one of my favorite videos to do every single year my top 10 anticipated campaigns for 2022 so next year what am i looking forward to based off everything i've shown publicly which includes all the reveals that i did last time linked down below to that video but i'm super excited to rank them from number 10 to number one let's get to it



now before we jump into all the awesome campaigns that are coming up that i'm excited about i want to also tell you  guys about something i'm always excited about sharing and that's that exclusive 10 discount code down in the description below to into the am who make awesome shirts just like this one guys i wear these all the time you know that whether they're sponsoring or not i am always wearing these guys trust me it's it's amazing the shirts are fantastic they fit very well they did they look great they keep the color i've washed this dozens and dozens of times i've worn this shirt more than i would care to count it looks like i just got a brand new guys it is fantastic they have some great new uh uh designs by the way i wanted to point out so like if you go to the link down below again you will save ten percent on top of anything else and uh they have some cool stuff like they have the freaking repairs tea super cool i love that he's like going through space repair and stuff they have freaking ice cream space dudes always cool they even have like this panther one looks killer i love it this one right here i love it just because like they've done the tribal kind of stuff before or not the tribal but like you know the the more nature stuff but i think it fits really really well with the outline of the panther like this super cool and of course a bajillion other freaking awesome shirts available to you guys at a cheaper discounted price thanks to them and that code down in the description below guys thank you so much for always supporting into the am one of the sponsors of this channel and thank you into the am for always sponsoring this channel and this community so that we can continue to have a bright future in 2022 full of cool shirts and cool games speaking of that let's go ahead and jump into those campaigns now additionally i'm also running a fundraiser this year and so there is a link down below to that that ends january 14th there's a lot of thank you gifts that i am able to give back to you guys so you might want to check that there's over 90 games available right now so a ton there go and check it out and if you would like to donate again thank you so much and it greatly greatly helps bring a very strong 2022. speaking of a strong 2022 let's take a look at some of the campaigns they're going to be asking us including me a lot of our money so i'm super excited to get excited about spending money let's do this now before i go ahead and do this if you haven't seen my video before revealing all the all the games i do suggest you do that because i would like you to create a list alongside with me not so much that we can compare though i am very interested in what you guys are interested in because that allows us to see where we align maybe where i need to do some videos but it allows you to keep a top 10 list so anytime the hype machine the fomo machine comes up and you see a fancy new shiny game on kickstarter or on game found and like oh that looks good then you can look at your top 10 or your top 15 or whatever it might be top six and think okay what would i take away to put that in and if you wouldn't take anything away maybe you don't actually need it it's a good way to actually save money and focus on what the big ones are for you so you get that stuff on your table and not just sitting on a shelf behind you now these games are played all the time but that's not the point the point is that like you need to focus on what's important it's why i make these top lists because then i realize i know what i like i know why i like it and you only do that through creating lists so please feel free to make a list and if you do want to share you can go in and comment down below i would love to read what you're looking forward to and what your kind of interests are maybe there's something you're interested in that i haven't even heard of yet i would love to know about that too now let's go and dive right in starting things out as heroes of might and magic through the board game this was announced by arkon and it looks super cool i have a link down below to all of this kind of stuff uh so that you i mean there's a ton of links down there you can link to anything that you see including my old videos if you want to know more about these but they have been adding more to their page and i imagine they're going to continue to the more i see the more i'm actually excited about it it looks pretty true to what i would imagine like i'm loving seeing all the the the hex based map that you get to explore and stuff like that the mini's going to be great normally they do like hips minis like it it it's going to be really really good looking minis that is for sure that's a given from arkhan but even playing their masters universe i was really impressed by them honoring the iep and capturing what i wanted from that ip so you can put uh masters universe paint on any game but playing their version of masters universe really gave me that saturday morning cartoon feeling that i feel i wanted from a masters universe game it didn't take itself too seriously it wasn't dour it was bright colors it was fun it was silly it was exciting there were memorable moments there was fun characters and items and vehicles and mounts and all that kind of stuff it was great and so i go on coming from that this definitely made my top 10 because heroes of mine and magic is obviously a great series that i think a lot of us grew up really really enjoying and i feel like they can honor that i can actually not just make it some cash cow some cash in cheap thing that they throw some paint on and instead to get to the core like strategic nugget of what we liked with that game and deliver that so i'm excited to kind of see that and what that all entails and learn more about it  now to learn more about it you're going to see as a theme across this it's just you know we're looking ahead so we don't know everything and i think learning more might bump some of these up or maybe even drop some of these down who knows next up limbo 1.6 limbo terminal 1.6 i'm super excited about um i really enjoyed limbo eternal war 1.0 i really did i think the rule books needed the rulebook really needed to explain itself and there was you know some issues with the map and stuff like that but the actual gameplay the game mechanics the game flow fantastic army building experience and skirmish experience that i really enjoyed 1.5 is changing quite a few rules around so i'm a little cautious around that you know anytime you love something and then you hear oh hey there's some more coming up but it's different you're like well i don't know if i like the different i'll have to see but so far i don't know but i do know they are announcing uh like some new factions you see that dragon there they showed an angel earlier that dragon is supposed to be massive like huge um they do some great mini so color me excited just about that but i mean just look at the theme here i look it it's pretty much my bread and butter that's kind of grim dark fantasy this is this like violent play i love all of it yes please give me more so definitely excited about that um if i knew if i really really enjoyed 1.5 this would probably bump up so be on the lookout for that obviously i'll get 1.5 i'll tell you guys about it and then i might update my um outlook for 1.6 based off that so i'll be sure to share that of course now then there's also madara beyond the veil now we know very little about this in fact i don't know if it'll be 2022 but i know brooklyn is definitely pushing for you know this to be a thing and it's becoming really legitimate as you see they allowed me to announce it and i am excited um coming from uh even just seeing a little bit of like the kingdom death monster kingdom death version of like the high school stuff i actually got one of those for my daughter the chick playing like the vida love it it's fantastic and looking at this i'm super excited especially because not only is there a lot of possibility between like fantasy madara and then like more modern medara but but um some of the other images and again i'll link down to this video below for you um like fuse the two in a very cool way from what i can tell just based off the guitar and stuff like that so the the whole idea sounds cool i like the theme i like what they're doing with the regular madora so i'm excited about this now there's a lot of talk about what this game will be and i don't know if the game will even be for me it just depends you know we all have our tastes and and likes and dislikes but from a pure concept and um uh perspective at a pure theme perspective i'm on board looks awesome super excited about that next up we also have quantum shock this is another thing we don't know a lot about in fact this description right here a cooperative sci-fi and horror board game with miniatures control time space matter reality while developing your quantum skills is about as much as i know about this except that the theme seems super cool the idea looks super cool the concept's neat and it's been with on this page gathering followers for i don't even know how long they need to just go ahead and release it already because i'm actually pretty excited to learn more about it it it definitely is a mature sci-fi uh so you know keep that in mind of course but it just there's a lot of possibility with it and i really like the angle they're going at with the like the the whole like quantum abilities that you get and stuff like that sounds very quantum skills is what they call it sounds very promising i dig it i i like like a i want to like a cool thing that i can like gain powers in and stuff like that that i can play with friends despite like crazy monsters in a sci-fi world sounds awesome looks wacky and crazy and the scope seems huge and definitely excited to learn more about it now we also have and this is exciting blood oak chapter one this is something i've been looking forward to ever since i saw tinjin and saw this lady right here now i i can never pronounce her name so i'm gonna try i butchered every time i don't know why like i've i've done several takes and past videos trying to say that i just give up so whatever anyway she's super cool she's standing on a freaking uh you know like bear head with like the sword out and there's like a you know a scar on her lip and just the entire and just looks freaking bossy haircut and all that and then you also have like the final version of tingen and look i've talked to these guys they are serious about making quality and they're like borderline perfectionists and it shows in their miniatures which are fantastic and i hope it shows in their game now we don't know a whole lot about the game yet though when i find out more which i will find out more i'll let you guys know of course um but suffice it to say just based off of my little you know dive into their ip into the world of this and then just seeing the quality come out from them super excited for the possibility of the actual board game uh it looks awesome and next up of course you guys knew this is going to be here cinco cushion is definitely on this list and that is because it has so much potential it looks so cool it sounds so cool but again i need to know more it's very hard for me to get super hyped about something that i just don't know uh that is it's kind of a problem i'm very mechanically driven as a gamer of my likes and dislikes theme is important ip is important like the art the way it looks the way it feels the way it handles is a physical board game that i'm staring at for hours on end on a table with friends and i want it to look neat however if the mechanics are subpar i don't care or or or if i just don't know what the mechanics are they're just cool pictures and cool renders now they've explained a lot about like you know uh the kind of ai system and about you know like the the the discussion the talking the side quests the the city phases and stuff like that but it's all been pretty high level and then i don't really know exactly how like okay how's the actual combat gonna play out in other words what's the game flow like am i gonna be spending an hour and a half two hours just kind of doing like reacting to cards and like a city phase kind of thing and then i i battle for an hour but then my battle for an hour is just kind of reacting to cards and i just i i don't have a clear picture in my head about how this actually plays and i would love i can't wait to get my hands on it eventually hopefully so that i can actually you know break that down and really feel the game if that makes sense the game flow's very important to me um and and and you know mechanics on their own can sound great but when they're all put together and there's so much of this can't access moody pull it off i certainly hope so because if they can this is gonna just skyrocket for them that's gonna be huge and well-earned they're definitely doing their due diligence when it comes to getting ready and having a great prototype ready so excited to learn more excited to get my hands on it and really truly finally say this is going to be something great or not uh definitely on my radar it's beyond speaking of all my radio batman escape from markham asylum of course of course guys i love batman you know that i tend to prefer dc over marvel so sue me um just from you know what what i like in the comics i tend to like the characters in dc more than the characters and marvel uh for a variety of reasons though you know i do it by case-by-case basis like spider-man swearman is always awesome everybody spider-man though prefer adult spider-man but we're getting distracted here okay so batman escape from mark on asylum it's a dungeon crawler it's a batman game but you can't play the batman you fight against batman now  first of all that is a great elevator pitch and anybody who is designing a game if you're watching right now if  you're developing a game figure out how to describe your game as exciting as  that and as few sentences as that or as a few words 30 seconds tell me how cool your game is  and get me interested that is a fantastic like go here to have an example of what to do it's a dungeon crawler okay got it i understand it's a batman game okay great tell me more but you can't play this batman really you can only fight against them okay now this is going to involve uh layingtraps down and do all sorts of stuff and they have like the whole slew of batman stuff so they have like regular batman like that right they have the um movie licenses they have this killer bane here they got joker they got all kinds of like old scopes and tons of stuff and it's by night models and night games and night models does fantastic minis so i'm hoping as long as the game plays good that's the key right but as long as the gameplay is good this is a knockout of the park all in for me easily easily um super excited about that it was going to actually be 2021 if they had to delay it so it is delayed but it'll be early 2022. i'll let you guys know the moment i find out more about this for sure be on the lookout for that very soon i would imagine next up kingdoms for lauren dragons doubles and kings this is such an obvious thing um they announced this for february and it said the prototypes are ready i'm hoping i'm getting one i don't know i mean i don't go begging for prototypes so it's just whoever wants to send them to me can do so but i very very very rarely actually seek out a prototype or ask for a prototype um that's just not my style and i have so much coming in anyway that seeking out more just seems kind of silly buti i know into the unknown and i know they know me so hopefully i get to get my hands on this and share some really really cool info for you guys hopefully it's great i think it definitely has the potential it has a very unique aesthetic a very cool idea that is expansive that could be its own ip if it wants to they could definitely expand out from here because all the kingdoms are different and it just there's a lot of potential and it looks super cool it sounds cool um the the the gameplay is definitely something we need to know more about which is always the case but as soon as i know more i will let you guys know of course okay then we have ana steer by mythic games this is huge i've actually known about this for quite some time and i've had to keep mom it's been so hard i was a fan of mega metro city if you recall that it was a failed kickstarter campaign that i was all in on automatically it's like those old like golden axe games or the x-men or the team music turtles or any other themed game that the simpsons game had that youhave four characters it was like side scrolling and you'd move and you'd be able to jump on a mount and then attack and then be jumped out of the mountain sometimes you'd be able to go into like a building and open up to another side scroll thing and stuff like that that was mega metro city it didn't work out mythic games it's very good especially with other phoenix line stuff like that of finding something like hey this is actually a good thing let's give it the myth that games treatment let's make it a reality let's make look fantastic and great and elevate it exactly what they did here so this is that same kind of golden axe thing but they actually have put it in the anister uh theme which is a theme we've only seen a few minis of before and some past uh like i think come on had some

 minis for it but all the unit the sculpts are unique here uh and it just looks fantastic the theme looks cool the world seems cool super excited to explore this the gameplay sounds awesome the moment i get my hands on this i'm gonna be telling you guys all about i'm gonna be unboxing i'm gonna be loving it this is super exciting for me definitely definitely definitely makes the list from gameplay which i know a fair bit about which helps and theme it just checkbox checkbox sold that's all i need i need a great game with a cool theme make that sell it to me at a good price you have my money this is easy as that now now speaking of which celestial is definitely my number one purely because um the the the gameplay that i have kind of seen and read about which i haven't shared everything with you guys i will have a details video coming out soon it'll be in january i'm not gonna be able to fit it in this month this is too late but in january i'll have a details video for you guys with a ton of gameplay details structure details story details you'll have a very good understanding of what celestial is very soon from that so be sure to subscribe if you haven't yet so you can see that and everything else i'm doing but it looks like no other game and it has some of the best miniatures  i've seen it's big scale it's high quality they aren't going for a whole bunch of you know cheap minis they're going for fantastic minis uh this is new one my favorite miniature i have ever had um her look her facial expression which is right in the mini as well i've actually painted her i'll go and link to  that below too so if you want to actually see the miniature uh in action it was a resin miniature that's 75  millimeter that you can use in the game actually that's like they've made her in like hips now and she looks fantastic same thing that that look of like worry and fear with the dna strand and kind of the the oddness around her is so fitting to the story of her of like a a prophet that essentially uh is saying things that aren't very good so she's like on the run and so you know but then she has like these followers come up but either way she's always worried about being  backstabbed and all this and they've kind of described as like game of  thrones with like a chinese lore and then like weird sci-fi stuff going look it's wild it's crazy it's a cool cool world of fantastic fantastic minis unlike anything i have in my collection i have a lot of my collection and a cool looking skirmish game to be to to end it all on with a focus on like quality um yes yeah of course of course number one easily done look guys i've been looking forward to celestial for a long time now and i if i'm not mistaken at least as far as i know i'm the first one to share information i'm the first one to get the details out because again i'm not focused on maybe what gets the most clicks or what's popular i'm not just chasing games workshop for views or or imagine the gathering of reviews or whatever the heck else i cover what i want and what i want right now is celestial so that's what i'm going to be covering if you appreciate that again there's a link down below to my patreon and of course also my fundraiser i hope you enjoyed this video it's always a great thing to make that list even if you don't share it with me even if you don't put in the comments so that i can see what you guys are interested in that's fine make it in  your head write it down somewhere and then anytime fomo creeps in any time you see these games coming in when they're flashing they look cool and you're like oh i want that game figure out if you would replace a game on that list and if the answer is no do you really need it how many games do you need it doesn't have to be ten it could be six it could be five could be fifteen could be twenty everybody's different in their play tendencies and their wants and what they can afford and whatever but i would highly suggest you invest in those top games those top games that you know is like your bread and butter your jam that you're going to get to the table you're super excited about and don't waste money chasing every little thing and then end up having to just collect dust on your shelf all right that's it for me guys i have a few more videos this year but that is it we're really closing things out i hope you enjoyed this one and i'll talk to you guys again very very soon bye guys


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