New Uprising PM offers! Gamefound is _SAFE__! New app-driven narrative game! -

 what's up rockstars today i have a news video for you we got a lot of stuff to look over either new stuff that i haven't covered before or stuff that's coming up that i'm excited about or that's coming up very soon there's a major huge game coming out this month literally very very soon i'm gonna tell you guys about and maybe even some stuff you don't actually care about right now


as always a huge shout out to my patrons and youtube members it is through their financial support that this channel is possible if you appreciate the videos i make every single way for you guys and you can give even one dollar a month it does add up i am incredibly thankful there is a link down description below thank you so very much look today is a great day because today i learned that brendan fraser had a six minute standing ovation for acting if i thought i would have ever said that in my life again i wouldn't have believed you but the mummy has truly returned i think that's awesome um that has nothing to do with the video i just think that's super cool and i want to start it on a positive note let's take a look at space lion this looks like a neat card game 29 bucks that being said 29 bucks is the standard the retail edition with stretch goals which isn't the retail edition at all which is kind of funny but uh 60 bucks for the deluxe version and i'll tell you kind of what that does and and you can judge how worth it is to you so first things first tarot size cards okay so big art which i really appreciate it's gonna look very pretty it has multiple battlefields essentially what you do is you kind of pick out your cards and you have to fight the person to your left to your right and then it's a four versus all in the middle and there's an ai so you play solo in fact there's an ai for every single faction there's multiple different factions you can play um that seems all quite interesting and neat i actually dig that and then like um any uh people that fought in pairs can't fight again but otherwise they cancel like these two couldn't fight again and stuff like that um it looks like it probably plays pretty uh quick which i appreciate the this is like and this is what you get like it's it's pretty straightforward again that's why it's just 30 bucks but you get you know some tokens and these big you know player boards and then all these nice tarot sized cards which is cool that being said only 15 cards per army that's kind of the one bummer i would like to see a lot more of that just so there's a lot more variety i feel it with 15 that after i've fought in one faction twice i've seen everything there is to see about it kind of thing like i i just i'm i'm big on uh when it comes to card games a lot of replayability is what i want out of a card game i worry that's not enough but i mean we'll see i'll dig more into it i mean it is only 30 bucks after all the deluxe version gives you um dual printed uh plastic uh they call them plastic towers they're um two inches by two and a half inches so it's actually fairly large so you get these different towers because your towers can get hurt or you can so you're kind of bringing through that um stuff like this this is super cheap i mean everybody has this is not typically known as a deluxe version otherwise it looks like you get tokens which is kind of odd i almost feel like that's more expensive than this maybe it's not but honestly it seems kind of weird um thicker punch board player boards instead of just the cards is my assumption here um and then a metal priority token that's you know whatever plus you actually get two extra units now see that's kind of the bummer right is that that's a little bit of a fomo thing kind of going on there um because i would definitely want the two uh but like i said 15 seems like too little two more in each one sounds quite nice actually uh so i mean you know whatever but it also has the solo mode so that's another benefit two posters nobody cares and a plastic insert that holds the sleeved card so you can sleeve these tarot size cards they'll look really

really nice i don't know how much you're shuffling but either way you're going to want to protect these cards i think that's super cool so whether that's worth the 60 or not that's up to you to decide i suppose the art looks awesome it looks like a samus kind of thing to me you read the rule book already it tells you kind of about a little bit feel free to read this um it honestly i i love the look of it um i love quick little fun card games if it's 60 bucks and i own everything i'm i might i might swing for it guys i i don't know it's kind of god we'll we'll see we'll see yeah and no promises next up we have ana walk i don't know if i'm saying that right or not this is final launch it was supposed to launch like it was launching today at a time of recording but um it like took a long time to do it so like you know it's now finally recorded or uh released but it's like it was way late in the day which is kind of odd i don't know if it's european time perhaps or something like that um but either way it's there now that being said 21 of 195 000 gold to be honest i don't think they'll make it now probably fairly early to be calling that of course but just kind of my opinion on it um i think there's a lot of cool things about it and some things that uh perhaps need some work one of the things i think that's kind of rough is it like even the first picture you see it looks really dark and it looks really um um busy i'm quite busy it's like it's really hard to tell the terrain kind of what's going on without really looking at it it looks quite brighter in here but it also doesn't like it flows very well like it looks very patchwork to me and kind of sporadic and random the scale obviously is way off your you're these huge people moving around on the on kind of the tiles there and just in general it looks like there's a lot of um like writing and a lot of textures and stuff like that like this doesn't look pretty at all um i don't even know what these arrows really are trying to show me um but i don't know it just it's it's unfortunate this looks kind of cool so you have a farmer and he can either be a weapon bearer a warrior an archer an owl man or an undead for this person anyway for that army and they have the different armies and the different armies look pretty cool can't even pronounce that one that's fun um 15 different battle scenarios okay i think i can dig that it's not terrible but it's not bad um a whole new world to kind of go it's very very cool how they were definitely inspired i think the renders looked pretty good except for the female archer which they said is old and that they would change it but it's in multiple places and they still haven't changed it so i don't know whatever um this looks kind of ugly like it's a really small text and the texture you know do you remember when uh like phones like that remember you'd get like the iphone and it'd have all this like fake texture on it like a like they'd put the clock on like some fake chrome thing and your

notepad had like fake paper texture to it and like that was never good i i feel that way here too i appreciate the whole texture and stuff with that i don't think it looks good for a text overlay and a box overlay in my opinion um and and this is throughout see it has like all this texture stuff and i i i get the theme that they're trying to trying to go with there i i really do actually um but i just i don't know it to me it's distracting i think this looks a lot cleaner than this my opinion but what do i know there's the archer lady um she's gonna hurt herself when she fires that bow that's all i'm saying that's gonna hurt i don't have them but i can imagine so anyway yeah feel free to check it out of course um 110 usd that's i think fairly standard one of the bummers is it says up here uh like 85 uh miniatures but it's really hard to see those 85s they don't show that very well like i don't know like show me all 85 and like one one go show me what you're getting in the box uh if you want 110 my dollars that's kind of how i feel about that next up dune war of arrakis this is coming out on the 14th that is next week at the time of recording if you're seeing this late you should subscribe and hit that bell icon so that you see the videos as i post them so you're better prepared that's my whole goal is to get you guys educated what's out there what's going on and uh that is going to be big i did show this off in a gen con video where i showed off the minis they're about that big the dune worm is about that that big so the doom worm is slightly larger than like a normal like 40k mini for instance i would say so um they're definitely small they're largerthan i think some people feared but they're definitely not um big minis either so if you want to paint them just keep keep that in mind keep that in mind but you'll see you get quite a bit of them and they look well sculpted in my opinion next up fate forge chronicles of khan kane i don't know how to pronounce that looks pretty neat 3 299 followers i was now covering this you guys knew about it you guys need to let me know let me know if you know about a campaign that looks interesting that i have not covered seriously let me know i'd love to cover it this is by mighty boards they did the hamlet game that got a whole bunch of buzz that everybody including me that looked kind of neat um obviously a much different game here in fact it is a cooperative rpg like action adventure for one to four players about 35 plus hours of game time but the scenarios you could play up to two scenarios within an hour so they're very quick i'm a little hesitant on that it seems like first of all a ton of uh scenarios that means there's like over 60 scenarios potentially and i worry about how much each of those are a plus tier in other words it do they need to trim the fat a little bit is there a little filler and a little bit of grind in there we were just talking about ether fields were top and which they brought up tainted grill and kind of the worry that oh well hopefully isis vanguard is also a grind fest like they're you know the the awakened realms tends to kind of lean into so we're hoping that's not the case hopefully it's not the case here that being said it is an app driven narrative game so it is app driven however and i think it even says it down here what the app's doing um the app guides you like a true gamer so it handles all the book kimmy tells the story and sets the atmosphere so you can enjoy playing playing natural gameplay in other words it's kind of like a narrative app that handles like spawns and stuff like that but for the most part you're still playing the game and then that just accentuates it helps out the helper app uh slash narrative app but it does look like it's probably required um i don't know if there's any cost savings there uh there should be in shipping if nothing else because not shipping not some big heavy uh storybook i'm i'm assuming but yeah so that's there as well feel free to take a look at that we also have a hot nick i referenced this before um a while about actually it's this weird kind of like pacific rim style mech arena game um it's kind of interesting just i'd have no idea exactly how it's going to do um it definitely the ui like the art style looks cool that board looks very boring and abstract and unfortunate for something that has some cool mech omega fights so but i'll reserve my judgment looking forward to seeing this just want to remind you guys that this is coming up also slay the spire that's still coming up as well 362 that is coming here actually quite soon i believe i i can't remember the exact date at the time of filming right now off the top of my head i'm not going to waste time uh in the video on that but um it is coming up and uh yeah feel free to check it out and if you're itching for it or if you've never heard of it or you've heard of it and you want to try it the video game is normally pretty cheap as well next up uh alex from game found uh he said he's only gonna say that when um he's doing a game found centric and specific video but really he should just be seeing alex from game found kind of all the time now um he's shuttered board game co the company and he works now for game found so really it's it's from game found board game co is part of a game anyway whatever um yeah he's saying it's essentially i'll say it here it's it's going to be super compartmentalized but i don't know how well that'll work out for him it's very hard for me to like um separate videos because i i tend to like mesh things together and my thoughts are my thoughts and they transcend stopping and starting recording of a separate video so it i don't know anywaygood luck to that he even messes up i think like at the end he'll have to get used to it there's a lot to get used to there but game found through their employee alex um was talking about some new features i want to let you guys know about specifically specifically a stable pledge what a stable pledge first of all it's an optional opt-in for the creators don't expect this on everything and that's kind of one of my worries is that i don't think it'll help in any situation where you would actually really need it what i mean by that is well i guess i should explain the stable pledge real quick essentially you can pledge it and then they are saying we promise prices will not increase more than 10 percent and he lists like vat and shipping and you know pledge costs or whatever like like i don't know if it's just one of those or if it's all of them or overall cost that was kind of hazy right now but either way if it if it's just more than 10 you can request a full 100 refund they will then refund you and then game found will refund their portion of that so the company's not mon out as much money they're so out money right but uh either way you get that 100 which is quite nice and you know definitely that's super good however with it being opt-in i am very doubtful on the impact this will actually have on anything worthwhile not that you wouldn't want to refund um you know something that is popular and doing well financially that is offering refunds but any time that you're worried about a refund at all that's the issue i think we really have i mean yeah it sucks when they keep like you know 20 uh percent or less i mean it it seems the price the percentage keeps going up it was 10 then it's 12 that's 15 then it's 17. then it's i've seen 20 where you're only getting 80 back so who knows maybe eventually they'll just stop doing it all together but the people opting into this aren't the ones that you're like super like sketch about i would imagine um so yeah and them offering to refund that portion i don't know what happens if they don't like if they don't have the money to refund like that's the problem stuff like blacklist game stuff like that like that's the worry you know he mentions like the one dollar pledge and stuff by then but none of that's for because come on is taking 17 and not giving it back that's not why people have an issue people have an issue because prices are increasing after they're first advertised campaigns are launching without even listing shipping and because companies like blacklist games peterson games and these other companies and method games arestruggling to even give us the product that they promised nonetheless offer even portion of a refund and so that portion that game found is giving them i guess it's a good idea i think i support it i just severely doubt it's going to actually solve the problem that i think they're hoping it will if that makes sense hopefully that makes sense but it's there and that's cool um i apologize my chair is really loud so that's neat um the other i guess big thing here facebook and google login that's that's fine that's whatever you can now subscribe to um an entire creator and just gonna notified every time they launch something typically anytime a creator does anything like oh shoot um like this i think one of the like so a lot of times instead of this they'll have like a backer kit thing or something like that where they get your email that's why they're doing that so they can email you for anything but come on just emailed anybody that's ever given them their email for any reason ever if you backed anything or anything like that some nft cards so like these companies are already willing to email us way more than we want to outside of the system this does allow you to follow it though which is kind of nice that's fine so if you like really like chip theory games and you can just follow them and then be notified any time chip theory games launches anything on gamecon so that's neat um yeah there's nothing wrong with that there's some uh stuff for you know actual creators we don't uh care too much about that if you are a creator and you're watching first of all hello uh thank you for uh checking out what we're concerned about as consumers but also you get some cool tools there you can see how many people are following stuff at the high level i thought you already could but maybe you couldn't either you can see oh look thirty four thousand are tainted grown uh nexus is uh one point nine thousand or whatever so there's that um and then some more statistics stuff and that's really it for now so uh yeah that stable pledge thing is kind of interesting um i think there was one more thing i wanted to mention so i'm going to check that out uh yes okay so the other thing you can do is they're going to start working they haven't gotten it yet where brace yourselves i don't know if you've ever seen another pledge manager do this you're able to launch the pledge manager without charging shipping right away yes game found actually forces you if you didn't launch on game found so if you launched on kickstarter and you're using it just as a pledge

 manager you have to have shipping day one it forces you to when you're entering your product it asks for the stuff for shipping right then there you can't add a product otherwise if you start on uh on there you already have your product there and obviously you weren't charging shipping when you first offered it on the campaign page so you'd on the pm so there's like two different versions of the pledge manager and they're kind of out of sync and functionality hopefully and they didn't speak to this directly maybe this is a little bit too technical but hopefully they're they're synchronizing that so updates kind of run smoothly for everybody and there's not some weird tiered system of of user that get different feature sets because that's really hard to maintain anyway and it can get kind of confusing i imagine in the back end so hopefully that's what they're doing there but um yeah either way uh speaking of that with staying on game found uh uprising disclaimer uprising helped with their campaign uh helping design it and kind of um craft the the message and kind of what they're doing there so uh for this campaign and i was paid for that but what i wasn't paid for and what i didn't even know about was that they're going to add some trays they added four trays to the pudge venture which is now open 29 bucks 30 bucks for four trays that's a little bit less than ten dollars a trade that seems expensive to me but i have no idea how much it costs to actually manufacture this um but it does look nice looks very robust it holds cards so you're not holding the cards it has a little token uh crevices right there i just covered the worst deals and some of the worst deals had just about as much uh space for that and they were selling them for 20 bucks each because they were like made out of wood which is just silly but either way there's a lot here which is nice but now this is only 29 29 seems a bit much for me um but you know it is nice uh it looks super useful uh which is which is good um and i'm sure it's quality i mean they're all about quality there so um yeah take it early but i guess what i will leave you with is a message to go buy the cowabunga collection teenage mutant turtles video game yes it's a video game yes it has nothing to do with a board game but if you're like me and i've seen you guys age range um and you guys are like me and up and so you guys know exactly the awesome games that used to come out for teenage turtles and you can get them all right now play them on your switch or pc or whatever so go ahead and check that out guys have a wonderful rest of your day if there's anything i miss anything coming up you want me to take a look at ping me discord facebook carrier pigeon um knock on my door and freak me out uh comment down below let me know what's going on what i need to be looking at have a great rest of your weekend a primal mini unboxing that's coming up check that out got two different reviews coming out so check that out as well guys have a great day bye


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