New Heroquest leak! New Marvel minis! Warhammer 40k is BROKEN! Awaken Realms beats CMON! -
what's up rockstars today we're going to be talking about the top 10 things you guys are most interested in
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top 10 hot items and then also the top three videos of mine and what I think why they kind of were driven to the Views that they were so we could kind of talk about what made them big so we're gonna have a top 10 and then a top three at the end we're going in reverse order so starting at 10 getting to number one and then starting at 3 and getting to number one without further Ado let's go and dive in the only thing I'm going to say is that I got this actually from YouTube it lets me know now what you guys are actually searching for so uh be careful no it's it's a very aggregate you know from the top so I I doubt I doubt anything weird is going to come up but I guess we'll see we'll see how this this goes I'll be doing this once a month once a month so uh and uh another month you'll see another one okay starting out number 10 everdale board game now this is interesting because I'm looking at this and you guys will let me know well you know hey I searched for this or hey this is why this is big because sometimes I want to try and know sometimes I might not know you guys will have to let me know I am not sure why everdel is so big right now I see that there is a brand new unboxing of the complete collection and maybe the complete collection something new that was five days ago by Felicia here no commentary in the unboxing was very fascinating by the way an interesting take on it um I I the opposite or I do way too much commentary so that's kind of cool but otherwise you know we get three years ago four years ago two years ago three years ago there was two days ago the complete collection so that's what I'm thinking it is is there's this complete collection this kind of new thing that kind of wraps it all up and you guys are interested in it or maybe you in the 42 000 other people are still interested in why it's better than wingspan in which case Alex can let you know about that certainly not me I've not played either uh but yeah is this just a new version is there anything new in this version I don't know you guys will have to let me know this is number 10. number nine is here request now this is big of course of course why heroquest is so great is number one that should be anything that has broadsword in it needs to be up here uh and this one certainly has that because the best thing about heroquest is the why here request is so great video as we all know uh this is actually probably closer to this one now I can't read half the words this guy puts in his thing like RPG IAB update plus more delay um I have no idea what the heck all that is however however what he's showing here is there is a new expansion on hero pulse and it's a hero pulse exclusive as far as guitar I'm going to be looking into it more I will have a news update for you guys on that but there is more hero Quest we had already uh heard about this one the Frozen horror so that's been new but this is something different it's like Annihilation or uh something like that I believe so uh we'll we'll look into that of course I think that's why it's up there it's not just it delivering and stuff like that right you got like the whole hey you know here's the two different versions it's very much uh there's more stuff coming suddenly I think that's why you guys are Googling it or youtubing it or whatever you want to refer to it as next up we have War of the Ring twofold I think this is number eight or the ring obviously quite popular that 1.6 million from shut up and sit down this has been I mean it's it's four years old it's been around for forever Dune just recently was launched by um Dune War varakis by come on and it takes War of the ring takes two of the three designers and makes it for Dune so it's very much a a different flavor I wouldn't say 2.0 different flavor of the war of the ring formula so I think that drove a lot of interest also of course the Amazon series is live right now and while it's not called War of the Ring it is kind of similar to that I might have people looking into Lord of the Ring board games stuff like that they get to wear the ring they hear about that and I think that's where a lot of that driving is let me know if you guys bought War of the Ring recently if the Dune being on offer got you into it or or or what I've always thought like a really cool game like ever since I first got into board game this has been the thing I've been looking at anyway that is number eight number seven is root the board game a root is fascinating to me because root first of all is has been popular for a long time now right I mean like it really has it just it it kind of I don't know I didn't feel like it made that big of a splash but it's just kept its player base or even grown it I would argue um people love it I love it so much that look at this look at this a root of buyer's guide you need a buyer's guide when you have that much that looks like a command delivery that looks like a steam forged Games Delivery minus bardson but like you know Horizons are about stuff like that like that's a lot of expansion that's a big pile of boxes um which is wild to me uh I think it's cool I love it I love that people are playing games like root I think that's great um I like The cutesy Artsy you know stuff um but I don't know if there's something new that came out of roots so I'm not sure if it's just a general people love root and they're always Googling it it seems like root just never goes away I believe uh crackalope actually actually consistently has root content on his channel for the people who are constantly playing root because that's a group so if that's you let me know let me know what keeps drawing you into that I would love to hear I've not played it but I've been tempted to uh game Brigade have been at his place and he has it and I I was tempted to play it once but he doesn't let me pick games to play because he wants me to play games like doing Imperium and junk like that moving on okay so we have had 10 9 8 7 we're on number six number six Marvel crisis protocol I twofold there's always really see new stuff and again it's a player base there's always people playing Marvel crisis protocol by the way this cable here on this thumbnail fan freaking tastic cable is such a cool character anyway I've always liked cable but the whole like force field thing freaking sweet that looks awesome one great painted too um so yeah you're just always going to see content for uh for crisis protocols it's always a thing I've been wanting to get into it the one reason I haven't is first of all yet another game system right I mean so I've been playing darkest dungeon as you guys can see but you know I have infinity and I have Warhammer and have all this other stuff that I'm trying to do in all the board games so I don't know if I can I know it's hard plus the core box has some of the most boring and uninspired minis out of the whole set you do not get these super cool cable ones in the core so I'm almost tempted to like just buy some of the cooler mini expansions and not even have the game I don't know I don't know uh that seems wasteful to me though because I also want to play the game too uh so yeah haven't bought into it yet I'm probably just waiting for a good sale uh if you guys ever see the core box on a really good sale let me know for sure I'd be interested in that nine eight seven six Caitlyn edit this part out ten nine eight so I lose track ten nine eight seven six all right now we're gonna move on to number five number five is terraforming Mars okay so two points first of all people love terraforming Mars it's cosplayed blah blah blah but it also has a dice game that's on Kickstarter right now and I imagine that drives a lot of people looking into terraforming Mars I think it's kind of like the hero Quest thing where it's like or the Dune uh versus War of the Ring kind of thing right it's like if there's something unavailable you guys are looking into it now it's interesting that this actually made it so high because the dice game is it's doing well I think there's like six thousand plus backers but I was surprised to see it this high but it could just be that a lot of you guys are just Googling terraforming Mars maybe to get refreshed on it maybe seeing it and then opting out of the dice game maybe it got you into the dice game or maybe it's just people constantly still Googling it I don't know it's kind of interesting this is based off of you guys by the way so all of my viewers not even just subscribers but viewers so if you guys are here watching even if you're not subscribed um you're included in all of this in some way now let me know let me know if like how many of these you've gotten I'd be interested in okay number four is ISS Vanguard obviously it's delivering people are starting to play it people are excited about it you're wanting to see these reviews from four days ago or this play through from nine days ago or even a how to play from three weeks ago uh all of this stuff notice all of this is new as people get their game and are starting to enjoy it from what I hear it's a lot of fun but I uh at least some of my patrons there are playing it solo because they felt it was kind of too much to kind of do in a group and take away from it and they much more appreciate it as a solo game which I think makes sense too that was kind of my apprehension against it right as I don't play solo and I didn't see the the real good uh draw of playing with multiple people so I think this is very much a um a solo experience preferred at least from what I can tell from what I'm hearing you guys let me know what your thoughts are on that or what maybe what other reviewers are saying I'd love to hear uh their thoughts on that okay okay Number Three Star Wars Legion again constantly making new stuff very popular I didn't realize so many of you guys played Legion I'm assuming you guys play it I have always wanted to of course um I'm a huge huge Star Wars fan I always have been um it it just well okay so pre-pre-disney I've been a big Star Wars fan I should say I grew up watching The Originals on VHS uh for I mean just I I burned through those VHS so then when the special edition came out I wasn't all about that I was watching that and I loved it I didn't care you know people were a little boohoo whatever I had a blast I got that I've bought Star Wars on VHS twice DVD and Blu-ray twice because then he had like the ultimate collection he George Lucas figured out how to make me buy the game or the the videos like multiple times I have no idea so of course when I see a big you know chicken Walker that's gonna be you know shooting around everything I'm like that's a freaking cool mini where you can run around in your tauntauns and do all this kind of crazy stuff I've always been interested in this too by the way the like like that's gonna Taunton versus Grievious or something like that like like this kind of weird imaginations of time that don't make sense I don't know if you can necessarily do that or not in the game I'm assuming you can anyway it looks super called Gen Con they had a lot of cool stuff as well let me know what's coming out though I mean obviously this stuff is all new right as people keep doing stuff but um like what sets are coming out what what are they doing now because the problem with IP games is eventually you run out of Ip and then you start doing like super deep Dives or multiple versions I wanted to see this during Marvel crisis protocol as well because I believe they have like three or four versions of Spider-Man now right I mean like he kind of start doing like oh this is the same version but slightly different this is a different setup here this is some weird deep cut or whatever where are they at with the IP on that I I've always kind of wondered how that works when the the IEP runs out and you still want to use it all right number two is Slap Chop now this threw me for a loop but it's super cool guys super cool so I'm like Slap Chop why aren't people Googling Snapchat and sure enough it's the slab chop commercials the first thing that comes up but it's right down here it's this here it's this here this here all this stuff here right this is the main stuff here what is Slap Shop actually super cool it's a painting technique that's kind of Gone by storm lately that everybody's kind of going on The Slap Chop paint thing it's supposed to be able to get your minis painted quick and then what what was cool I watched ninjons here because again I did my research for you guys on a little bit of this uh when I didn't know what the heck it was uh and ninjan did a 2.0 essentially it adds a little bit of time but you can do it anytime so this first one here is it essentially black primer a light gray then saw uh uh highlight so kind of from the top and then you just uh get a white and you dry brush everything you just dry brush it all and then you uh well like all the all the raised edges of course right and then then you just put contrast space on all of it and that's it that's a slop chop it's a way to paint minis in minutes like like 15 minutes right and get it quite decent it's all contrast but with that kind of extra bit on top it actually is a trick I've used before when I used washes because it was pre-contrast he's in a few of my videos for uh object Source lighting some of my favorite ways to object Source light so what you do is you drive the highlights up or you want it to Glow or want the the light to be emitted really really high uh in fact all the way up to White if you want and then you get your wash and you put your wash over that area so it works best on darker areas so like if you have like a dark purple robe and you bring those out but those highlights will get tinted very very strongly and then it dissipates Less on the darker and so anytime you have that that's a super easy way to do it so it it's almost foolproof and it works really really well I'm very much uh liked doing highlighting that way this is pretty much doing the whole mini that way which is I think kind of cool especially possible with contrast paints so it's a way to kind of do that what Ninja did here with 2.0 is then went and did some Edge highlighting but what he said is even though it adds some time even if time is your biggest thing this doesn't hold you back because your Miniatures all fully painted like all parts of it are fully painted before you do this step so you can still will play your game with a fully painted thing as you do this extra step and as you can see a little bit more time and it does look a lot better that is for sure but anyway that's laptop super cool so there you go I just told you kind of the basics feel free to Google it as well or YouTube it or whatever and uh take a look at everything specifically what's going on with some of these searches um feel free to take a look at uh at some of these videos and see see how to do it all right and then number one leagues of voltan look Warhammer 40K is always the top and because I cover miniature games and because I like Warhammer and stuff like that a lot of you guys do too and so a lot of you guys are searching about oh my gosh space dwarfs ah space dwarves um a hot take I don't like the look of them that much um I actually like the look of them at the people uh their armor I don't really like it's very bubbly very smooth it's I don't know it's like ah it's it doesn't excite me which is which is a bummer because I like them otherwise but uh their armor is not for me like like like this this right there that would have been sweet if they all look like that art but they all kind of look bulbousy like this um which I don't know just doesn't doesn't do it for me I guess it's money saved I'll just keep doing my um my uh my other armies and I'll be I'll be good there okay so that is actually the number one that's that's the 10 things you guys have been looking into the most now let's talk about some of the videos I've done and the top three on here and why they were so big here's probably the really hot items you're waiting for number three this is terrible this was with chip Theory games and their disaster with e star which again I I mean this is not the first time East star has cost a company a ton of money and a ton of bad publicity and I'm very surprised people continue to use them they're not the best quality at all in what they do so it they're not certainly not paying for the best you can get as far as Miniatures are concerned at least which again doesn't affect you Theory games at all right they they have their little their little uh discs and then they have the neoprene mats and they're good to go so um what happened here was estar decided to I guess like not verify what they're doing and made 10 000 copies incorrectly and so now they have to go and fix them but because it's ten thousand and as you can see here 5286 backers actually backed it which means they did extra for retail they will not have these copies for retail during the holiday season losing their estimate hundreds of thousands of sales that they would have had like money uh income Revenue that they would have had so uh that really really sucks and uh my heart goes out to him I can't imagine what a bad day that was in the office that's just heartbreaking uh so estar is paying for the fix according to them but they're trying to you know push it you know to be done quicker obviously and seeing what happens there it just sucks so the other time I covered e-star messing up was the melted soldier in nemesis from awakened Realms that was actually Easter as well estar does all their manufacturing for awakened Realms so when you got that melted Soldier and they sent it out to thousands of people and they had to send it out later on all that all that was estar's fault also so uh yeah just I'm tired of doing these videos where I'm like you start goofed up again it it really frustrates me and I you don't really see this and the other ones nearly as much so at least not that I've covered anyway but yeah so that that sucks obviously that's a big one ship Theory games is a very popular company they have a lot of fans and the people who buy their games are very happy with the product that they get so obviously hearing that they got hit with such a huge financial hit uh through this is just really really crappy and I imagine drove a lot of you guys to uh to to to view this and find out what's going on with chip Theory games all right the number two we have awaken Realms just killed come on this was a fascinating one because what I really thought was interesting about this was how fairly similar and I know everybody was like oh there's a little differences here and there all things considered fairly similar similar when it comes to the circumstance around the campaign not that necessarily the games themselves I know the games themselves are different but it's just interesting to see uh the the difference and if nothing else the fact that on game found which traditionally funds less than kickstarters because there's less people going there that the tainted Grail actually did better than the last two campaigns from come on not even just the last one but the last two combined weren't as much and uh it just goes to show that come on used to be the top dog I mean it really used to and I used to nerd out all the time about their miniature quality and what they're doing with that and I mean like when I got hate guys I was like swooning right I mean come on was just such a step ahead of everybody else that when I would see stuff like awaken Realms and I would see like their Edge Dawn fall stuff I made a video called you know this is crap or whatever how bad are the minis and I put crap and put it right there because I was like what is this this how can this dryad be anywhere close to anything I'm getting from come on come on was just up here above everybody else they were doing fantastic work they had Eric Lang making all these cool games and they were doing all these amazing minis they were putting a bunch of production value and all this stuff and they were doing blood rage and they were doing Rising Sun and they were doing hate they're doing all this cool stuff and I was you know like oh my gosh this is like amazing stuff and they were on top of the world they had done their um their fantasies homicide which did extremely well they were just the number one company to look at I remember constantly talking to devs and getting these emails saying Hey sir we delayed we uh but come on just announced something that's close to what we're doing so we're we're delaying right everybody avoided come on because come on was the the the big one right that everybody was gonna dump their their money into and so you weren't gonna fund if kamam was doing at the same time this is back when companies did less kickstarters per year as well but so combin did I think four I think as well as one one per quarter but um maybe not even that at that time but either way like that was that was the big thing and I constantly spoke to devs about you know what well commands doing this since they may want to watch out and avoid this and blah blah blah blah blah and that's just no longer the case anymore there are there's not only some strong competition I think honestly they've been dethroned and they are no longer the top they're certainly not the top at miniature quality their quality's actually gone down in components and in Miniatures uh just through every every aspect of it has lowered has diminished whereas their previous games actually were better produced than they are now um and honestly a lot of them were better funded too and so that's just kind of been I think a lot of it's just the shipping and the aspect and all that stuff but again you can compare to stuff even right now and how they're doing right now so I think that was kind of the big thing right is obviously it labels come on and it labels awakened Realms two very popular companies so obviously people are interested in how those are interacting with each other but I thought it was a very interesting subject to talk about as well now the number one the number one is common manipulative Liars this one was huge and again it's come on it's a very strong opinion that I'm providing and anytime somebody has a strong opinion it tends to come across rather strong right um so you know I don't shy away from uh my how I speak right I speak really casual and stuff like that and I don't shy away from saying how I feel and so if I feel like they're manipulative Liars I want to come manipulative liars and know people that are a little bit more reserved might might be like well I don't know if it's quiet there quite that or but I mean that's that's it's I called how I see it uh and you know I think a lot of people resonate with itif you go to the comments on that video you see a lot of people um weren't just like oh my gosh Come on be working y'all come on I want to do that they were responding to what I was saying and actually watching and actually the viewership on that video is quite good I can see how far people watch and how much percentage of the video that people watching this one was just resonated with a lot of you guys because I think a lot of you guys are like me or you guys are just kind of frustrated with the the the the the the lies and the manipulative practices and stuff like that I mean just look at the recent
cancellation of um Kingdom uh the Kingdom Come uh Deliverance the board game right where they they were like oh hey well we actually needed 1.5 million to fund and then people are like well then don't freaking lie to us about the number right I mean people are sick and tired of being lied to it sucks it it it's just not good not only you feel like you've been manipulated like you've you know you've been tricked um but it just it's disrespectful right it just shows a respect to the backers and so um you know kind of manipulating things and adjusting your pricing scheme to really skew towards one thing and then and then uh acting surprised by it just seems a little silly to me when nothing was obviously a surprise to them they knew right ahead of time what the business Prospect of this game was so it looks like a cool game by the way like I'm not saying that of course and I never say it in there either I just this is come on not Dune right the company not the product on offer but yeah I think it's resonating with all you guys guys if there was a big thing that you guys are thinking might be in the next month's video where I go over the top 10. do let me know if there's some recent happenings that I'm sure are building up uh as I've been covering them I'll be sure to continue to cover this kind of stuff for you guys and if there's anything you'd think I should take a look into feel free to let me know in the comments Below guys thank you so much have a great rest of your day talk to you guys again real soon bye guys
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