Last chances_ dirty tricks and big names coming up!
what's up rockstars welcome to another news video this one is going to be covering a ton of different stuff there's there's some controversy on a few different things some like sneaky sneaky kind of launching under another name to like swindle more like it's it's messy there's some really cool things coming up there's some big announcements there's a lot of great stuff in store for you in this one
thank you to my channel sponsor into the am support the channel and get an awesome premium shirt i designed with them by using the link in the description below to purchase eternal guardian from the lopsided crown wolves norse throne and more this shirt is spectacular and you can save 10 off when buying this fantastic shirt check it out and many other awesome shirts via the link down below now as always a huge shout out to my patrons and youtube members it is through their financial support that this channel is possible if you appreciate the content that i make every single week for you guys and give even a dollar a month there's a link in the description below thank you so much and who knows maybe at some point i'll i'll fix the squeaky chair um let's go ahead and talk i'm actually going to show you a facebook group first this is a new facebook group that kind of launched i think it's actually by like some some game devs or something like that but either way um they do a lot of giveaways so i will link down to this below uh if you're interested in winning different things like anything from cthulhu death may die to age of rome to legacy the anthrax to these theosis there's a whole bunch here that they do i think they use gleam mostly for it but either way that is linked down below go and check it out see if there's anything interesting that you want to enter in and best of luck ideally every single person ends up winning something is from this community right right all right so moving on from that we have the dark quarter uh this is doing quite well almost at six hundred thousand five hundred or 5 500 plus backers 18 days to go so they are doing uh immensely well um this is uh lucky ducks and van ryder's like latest uh thing it's kind of like their past games very app driven right it does like a whole lot of like criminal cases and stuff like that where you go and you get clues and you ask questions and you do all this kind of stuff um with like a supernatural new orleans nor kind of twist thing going on um a game brigade a friend of mine he did a review of it i'll link down into the description of that review so you can check that out and see if it's something for you sadly not something for me um it just it sounds very too straightforward and a little a little too casual for my taste when it comes to like the the like really the strategy right the really thinking about your actions stuff like that just seems seems more of a casual affair which isn't something oh look at that is that what is that right what's going on there anyway um yeah so there's a lot though here that they've that they've added and all sorts of fun stuff so feel free to check it out below again there's a link to the kickstarter itself there's that review you can look at there's a lot of info there and i'm sure they have a lot of uh reviews uh listed here as well so that is the dark quarter next up we have escape from stalingrad z this one is actually interesting it's by raybox games and i didn't recognize him at first but i remember covering uh this right here the um the legions of steel they they did this kind of thing which had like a huge cult well i don't say huge a cult following uh that kind of allowed that to be a thing which is kind of cool it's like a a sci-fi skirmish game essentially this is something that uh is book based right that has all these kind of minis in it it's like a um call of duty zombie game but with like russia i think and uh there's a lot of different price points actually so they reached out and kind of uh spoke about this but there's there's a lot of different add-ons you can get a lot of different things so with the book set 36 bucks uh look at 30 bucks let's do usd so let's do real money 50 bucks uh for the box set uh and then you get the deluxe set for 180 but there's a whole lot of um 480 for like i mean it gets like crazy right there's a lot in there the all-in 149 right so i don't know what this 40 is that must be like uh something ridiculous there's probably a whole lot of special stuff in there i think i saw something signed but there's a lot of add-ons and stuff like that that you can add and kind of customize what it is you're trying to get essentially so feel free to look into this if it's something that interests you there's not a lot of like zombie world war ii whiskey kind of games actually um there's a lot of world war ii games that are very realistic andthen we have stuff like reich busters and stuff like that but not really zombies uh so that's kind of cool i don't know like the the gameplay isn't really shown here in like gif form or anything like that i don't really see too much of like a highlights of like how to play it's mostly just showing the product so if i had any um words of wisdom it'd be to show the game off more and less of the product if that makes sense it's showing the same thing but one is how you use the product and one is the product itself so that would be my suggestion there to kind of uh you know just just improve on what you already have and so we have kingdoms rise and fall dorian they actually reached out to me and i didn't see their email until like just now and type of recording it's four days um the reason you're seeing this a little bit later is because i am actually on a vacation with my wife up in a cabin in the woods and so you're getting this a few days later but um yeah no this this it looks very pretty it has fantasy right it's got minis by the way so calm down guys it has like this beautiful fantasy art but then a really crisp clean aesthetic to it which is kind of interesting um uh maybe i can yeah see like this right here so again like really clear justified lines right all this text and then it's like just the art and then like a color background right but it's not like a clear color like it's it's or solid color it there's a design there um a ton of different stuff as you can see 44 upgrade cards and 66 starter deck cards 24 resource cards right 108 small cards 301 poker size cards all these different markers and stuff there's a lot of stuff here so feel free to take a look at it and see if it's something that would be interesting to you um i didn't read up into how to play all of this but they do have a lot of the information here in the pledge or on the page so feel free to check it out and let's see what is the um the core the the core cost looks like it's about 53 bucks which is i think a very solid card game expense and it has a whole bunch of tokens in a board and stuff like that too so honestly um yeah it looks pretty straightforward it is fun it is almost funded so just about funded so feel free to check this out if you want to um back some kind of pretty much ultra rare indie uh fantasy card game that's pretty much what this is next up dc deck building game 10th anniversary i'll see not the indie version this is cryptozoic they're big they've been doing this for ten years four hundred and twelve thousand two thousand four hundred backers twenty-five days ago so so long time to go it's interesting that they've done so well considering what how little reason there is to actually back this it goes to show that the the people that are following this game are really into it which is like really exciting now this is a competitive game but you can also play it co-op depending on the expansion there's a few different things they have a lot of different expansions that put like twists on the game right so it's not just like the same game over and over again if that makes sense from what i can tell and there's a lot now this is showing kind of like here's a whole bunch of stuff that they've done you cannot get all of this right now a lot of you can get retail a lot of it you can get online a lot of you can get through the store they're offering only a subsection of it my understanding is going to offer some bundles later on of the older stuff but feel free to check online um this kickstarter beats the price of some things but some but some things you can get cheaper like right now in retail so because retail sales and stuff like that and no shipping and you know whatnot so feel free to look at this if you want uh there is like the kickstarter exclusives like kickstarter exclusive cover and um there's a quick kickstarter exclusive mat and a kickstarter exclusive box and you know stuff like that which is kind of interesting uh there are some kickstarter exclusive cards but i think it's this version of it it actually says kickstarter has a block on it and i think what they're going to do i don't don't quote me on this but is i'm not sure there's a lot kickstarter exclusive here's what i'm saying and if it is you're paying a premium for you know only a handful of cards the majority of it is going to be available for you guys yeah so kickstarter exclusive cover uh kickstarter exclusive boxes this box is kickstarter school so the dc bombshells crossover pack is not that makes sense be sure to check the wording the wording is there on purpose right um this is exclusive to different reward tiers and again another cover that's exclusive but other than that uh they're unlocking these this is like what you can buy that's available um they're getting these uh kickstart exclusive cards but actually that littl green thing there says kickstarter on it and i suspect that's really what's exclusive here because notice these dc bombshells right um it it it also has the kickstarter exclusive box in it right but then it's not and then here it says you know these rivals are kickstarters maybe it is maybe it's not um but either way you're paying a pretty big premium for um for some uh just a handful of cards that are exclusive but if you're really into the game it makes sense or if you just want to get an easy back to like get everything that works too um so you know it there's there's a lot here like i said some you can get cheaper some can get more expensive itjust depends though these have the um the like these are only the cards right so if you want the rule books that's these and it costs extra so include this in the price when you're looking at it i i was going to instantly back this i'm not instantly backing it yet i believe i can get the injustice for like 27 bucks for miniature market um that's pretty darn tempting it's a lot better than 70. so um and i i i might just grab something at retail and see if i even like the game first so 25 days to go there's plenty of time for you to hop into your car and mosey on down to a friendly local gaming store support them locally get a deck or a box of dc deck building game by cryptozoic entertainment play it see if you like it if you do head over to kickstarter and back this or even order it online have it shipped plenty of time you have like a whole month like it's a very long campaign so uh yeah we'll see where it goes and i'll let you know if i do kind of uh actually you know snipe this one up or not next up we have aldara this is 11 days to go it's doing well it did fun this time 281 000. this is by arcane minis and they do some very nice minis these you're going to get a ton of miniatures and it'll be very nice this is kind of like a a it seems to me like a 4x skew game but with these like minis uh that are like um a lot of times you get like a space one or something like that like it almost kind of reminds me a little bit of like uprising but it's not and um you have like all these different like airships i guess is the term but otherwise you know you're gathering resources you're rolling dice you're doing all that kind of stuff this this is kind of how the game looks right kind of gives you a little bit of like a twilight imperium kind of feel actually now i'm i'm seeing a lot of different games and that's because i don't know how this plays i haven't looked into it that much it's not something i'm going to get but i wanted to mention it to you guys because it has funded so now they're just unlocking stretch goals if this interests you if this theme is like oh my gosh yes this looks awesome i want some really high quality minis that go to a cool game then this might be something that you're interested in because the minis look really nice and i believe them when i see them archimedes from what i've seen does some pretty good production quality stuff next up legacy of thorax the awakening also funded also going 11 days ago at time of recording of course and this one again the same kind of thing where i get that that little bit of kind of a forex kind of feel where you're you're on the board and you're moving around but then you're also like you know upping your influence you know kind of like a diplomacy kind of thing and then you're you know you're doing some combat your looks like you're building kind of roads or bridges or i mean there's a lot of info here this this kickstarter page will tell you everything you need to know to only have the time for it because there's a lot going on here i mean you can do all sorts of different things like the more you scroll the more systems you're going to kind of see which leads me to believe it's kind of euro-y um it certainly doesn't seem like some streamlined beer and pretzels game i can tell you that much plus they have wooden cubes definitely definitely euro i mean obviously there's no other way but as minis too and they look pretty cool uh so again a ton of stuff here feel free to look it out or look look at it and see if you want it or not that's just a solo mode by david david seems to be designing like 1800 solo modes a year at this point hopefully they are still all good next up robotech i'm actuallygoing to tell you not to back this one and i'm going to explain why i showed this off last time and i didn't realize something that other people did so you guys let me know thank you so much for letting me know so this mini tech games first created zero backed one of the reasons this is so freaking new is because it was obviously started by the same people that did this dragon ball z smash battles the miniature game you might recall i covered this years ago and the reason you might have not heard about it since is because it's vaporware so if you look at like the updates right there was a whole lot in 2020 and then it just stopped and then one in 2021 randomly january they showed an exhibition and that's it but again i can't see because they blocked it to their like 112 packers so almost nobody can see this and then lo and behold suddenly in april 2022 they have some production schedule this is years later by the way and they did the exact same thing where it launchedin january is going to deliver in december of that year so it's just gonna like launch and deliver just like robotech but what's going on here right why is this different well if you follow these different things right if you follow kids logic here's their website and oh my gosh look at this from minitech oh look at that that's the game it's the same thing right it's the same minis it's the same company uh their facebook same thing right even on the kidslogic uh thing they're advertising the game hey back our game you know do all this stuff um but they they launched a new a new uh profile to launch this one because this other one was kind of mired in this they had never delivered it even though they
had kind of promised it really early and in fact it's ironic this is not a pledging product this is a confirmed product this is a 100 gonna come they had a uh uh their their uh goal was ten dollars ten dollars was their goal because it was guaranteed you're gonna get it and lo and behold nobody got it and so of course the comments are hey i want a refund and where's my order how can i get this well yeah good luck but now that they launched another company to like launch a kickstarter off of to do some more ip branding stuff via robotech now suddenly there's an update oh there's a production update which is who knows what it says because only 100 people can even freaking read their their update it's unfortunate it's unfortunate that they that they that they went you know with this mini tech games to kind of launch this way instead and and kind of not not tell you about it right nowhere is it going to tell you oh by the way we had a dragon ball z game that like totally didn't ever deliver uh it's like two years late we stopped updating you and we just ghosted everybody and it's still not there and there's no sign of it um instead it just says oh you have to be super confident we have 12 plus years of experience not delivering games i guess i don't know now there are people that are like they still choose to believe because there is actual like miniatures out meditech has done this before the thing i'd caution about that is this was the same thing their whole spiel was that kids logic games has been making these all the time and that these these minis are like they've been making them and they've been selling them and now this is a miniature game around essentially the products that they typically make which is exactly the structure of this it's a product a game around the miniatures they typically make so i'm not saying it's a 100 scam i'm not saying you'll never get your game i'm saying i would suggest you don't back it there are so many other games to get and not only but robotech has a terrible knack for kickstarters right we already know that but seriously like there are so many other games to get so many other places to put your money that unless you literally just have money that you don't know what else to do with it there's nothing else that interests you or that robotech is your whole in fact even if you're if you're really into robotech i'd very much suggest you don't because it's just gonna burn you more when it doesn't and i'm i'm very afraid it's not going to it didn't before and then the moment a company starts launching new
company names to launch on kickstarter and not mentioning their other failures i get a little sketchy plus anytime i see robotech on kickstarter i get a little sketchy they don't have a great track record and uh nothing i see here lets me believe that this is any farther along than their last one that they didn't deliver or that this has any other higher chance of delivering it except that they've at least made more money on this one because this one was um like uh asia specific and so they couldn't get nearly as much but still it just yeah super sketch guys so just back at your own risk i guess at least go into it knowing like hey if i get a game out of it it'd be great um but don't don't give your hopes up i i would hate for you guys i would hate to steer you guys into a bad deal okay this is tyco starport i haven't covered a 3d printing kickstarter in a while but i backed this one so i figured i'd let you guys know um this is like 55 bucks 60 bucks is what i i paid for this i get a ton of different things and it will be great for um fallout within warfare it'd be great for infinity it'd be great for warhammer there's a lot of possibility for these i'm really excited for these it looks like a great system by the way it builds up as a square the last ones you had like slot in the walls and all that this one keeps it even more simple but then has the you know the the the different ceilings you have the lock-in system seems because it's these little notches here that's pretty much all it is so it fits in very nicely it stacks well stays secure there's a lot of different doodads you can add to it very very uh i got pretty excited for this to be honest and the only other thing i added i did there are some free samples by the way um is i added um i didn't end up adding this one i did add the modular shipping container so this looks pretty cool so back to that as well okay what's coming up well batman season three obviously is coming up that's gonna be huge that is next month again link down below to all these um yeah it's gonna be big it's doing the rpg it's doing the miniatures game and by the looks of it they're coming in strong now i don't i don't know i don't know what's coming up i i wish i did i wish i had a line of sight but i don't but i'm excited for it next up we have waste nights beyond the horizon expansion this is huge they finally delivered their original game i might be able to get that on the channel and show you guys if so i'll let you guys know this is april 26th so this is coming up soon and this is the expansion at any game or any company that delivers what they want said they were going to deliver and then after delivering says okay here's some more props to them they could have launched this a year ago but they chose not to they chose to deliver their game and i commend them for it even if it was like super late um and also youthia torment of resurrection this is coming out too you guys know this i've shown this quite a few times and they keep adding to this by the way so feel free to i mean look there's a ton of stuff available right it's a lot uh so uh yeah this is coming out it does have a pet class i'm excited about that i still need to play it i have it i just got the other stuff i'll be sure to try and unbox that for you guys as well sometime in the future that's going on 15 days by the way so that's it that's all i want to cover today uh that was long enough i try to keep these a little bit shorter a little bit more concise uh if you appreciated this info again if nothing else leave a like on your way out i very muchappreciate it though if you did really appreciate it if you appreciate all the effort i put into these all the time for you guys there is that even a dollar a month that patreon or that join button down below thank you so much guys have a wonderful rest of your day i'll talk to you guys again very very soon take care guys bye
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