Kingdoms Forlorn just went full KD_M -

 what's up rockstars i have another news video for you guys covering some games i haven't covered yet on this channel that i wanted to show you guys some uh recent campaigns launched that we're gonna also look at there's gonna be some feedback for quite a few of them both ones i like and ones i don't like and we will just see where the cards lie and what's available to us right now



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add-ons that they've been adding and i think i think uh a lot of that has to do with uh people either seeing the standees because they do offer standees for mobs at base and then being worried about not having minis um and what that does with costs and stuff like that everybody's coming cautious around shipping and into the unknown tend to like not do things in a small way it didn't have these big visions and talk with like their little trademarked little speeches and stuff like that which is really cool and awesome and i'm glad they're passionate it doesn't always make as the best salesman though

so um they could probably uh uh get some help with that it was especially just communicating what's going on like um how do how do the stories work right it's a little they do things differently it's not like a normal narrative game where you're just reading the story and said each night has its own story and there's all sorts of stuff like that um so they added this is the very name of bountiful harvest as you can see they have this really cool night here they have a whole bunch of uh mobs as well they list the

base size i always tell companies to never list a base size all this is confuse people or it's meaningless information even if they do understand it in other words you're not saying how tall the minions are seeing how big the base is but some like look at a resident evil boss and you'll see that the base is huge on that like the base doesn't necessarily determine the size at all it's useless information i don't know why they do that all they do is people will think that these are 25 millimeters tall i think they're really short because they're not the normal like 32 35 so that's not the case i'm sure you guys have seen them either in my unboxings or somebody else's a review or something like that uh but it but yeah the the bass doesn't really do much for anyone really so um i think they're trying to get a general size but it's just it's a little silly there very cool mini so as you can see that like the sport uh alien thing crazy obviously the the the devil miniature here is cool uh you get some really cool instead of just uh like town stuff you get like weird growth paths and stuff like they're just nasty stuff of course and they have all these i suggest you click these spotlights if you need to um they kind of dive into stuff like the solo mode and stuff like that and then stuff that they're going to unlock there is that standing miniature transmutation i'm assuming it's just going to be used for all the standees um i have a comment on that and then stuff they've unlocked like followers and outposts and saints uh which kind of like the uh gods and angel princess odyssey um different hunters this cool guy uh monkeys uh quite a few things and then like look at this king laid low that dude is that's like kind of monster style kind of stuff getting there like that's  that's some crazy cool my opinion um looking mini there so yeah definitely a lot of stuff there and then they have other add-ons as well uh if you go down here they have like the tale of circulant which is a whole other night again that's where this the um story is and where the campaign is and so you're essentially getting another to 30-ish hour uh story campaign by using this guy you can play with the stuff that you unlocked to day one and then the normal stuff that they've had this whole time so anyway that that's available now that's the differencethat's a change  i like to point out something this is a picture i took real quick so my apologies for the roughness of it when you're fighting a mob in kingdoms for lauren and i didn't go into this in a review the review is already like an hour long i try to get the highest points i can and sometimes looking back i'm like oh maybe this would have been a high point two dimension but i'm mentioning it now for those watching um when you fight a mob it's not the same enemy while you're using the same art standing of the same mini uh to represent as you can see you're actually fighting a bunch of different kinds of enemies you have everything from the mindless veteran to the wanderer to the necro node where if you beat this like here let me zoom in for you guys necro node critical if you critical kill him crew killing the necronomide has rendered all other incas dead in our you win it's an instant win condition he's like raising them up and if you critical kill him then you actually just win the game uh there's like this crazy auto male smith an ironcast knight you know that a chaplain of the church is going around healing people they have different abilities he's busy actually healing them and stuff like that they have different stats they are different enemies of the same kind of enemy it would be so cool if we got a standing a miniature for each of these now i know and that that's that's crazy talk right that's a lot for each enemy like that but i would give a lot of money to have this mindless veteran as a mini right or this chaplain of the church as a mini can you imagine how cool that would be or this little bone squire dude or the necro note or this heavy enforcer guy or whatever the heck this automill smith guy is doing um minis are a bit much i get that art though you could maybe make the cities i would i would be fine picking out the correct standees if it meant i had a whole bunch of different kinds so i could really visually distinct this one is that guy versus this one is that guy and and stuff like that a little bit easier in my mind uh and it would just be more thematic it'd be cool you know you get that heavy enforcer guy on therelike oh my gosh now we're fighting this  heavy enforcer just sells the theme more that would be something i would pay as an add-on even if it was possible to do something like that i really would i think that would that would just be so cool to do um the the fighting was fine and i wanted to cover how they covered the boss mechanics in mob in the review so that's kind of why i focused on that but this is definitely something that i think could it'd be i'd be of interest in i don't think many people realize this is what i talked about when i said they're not communicating like the scope of this game well so you see this and you see the apes you're like oh so so you fight the eight minutes like well no there's like 12 different kinds of monkeys that you're fighting and they all act differently and do different things and have different stats and whatnot and uh even look visually different you just don't notice it so if nothing else highlighting this i think would be really cool i think a lot of people would really like to know hey there's all of these freaking you know you know skeleton warriors it's not just one kind okay moving on fantasy commander this one has made around 32 990 i think it's pretty part of the course for legend sigmund they've never had like a huge thing here what's interesting about this is this these aren't new minis they're a new size so these are like smaller these are like 25 millimeter i believe um so not quite like it's not like a 20 millimeter so i think uh joan of arc was around 15 for the humans i think they're pretty small but 20 that's still really small you can kind of see the difference between a 32 millimeter height all right not counting the base size who cares about that and the um 20 millimeter i you can care a little bit if you're doing it for like d d stuff but ideally d and d have the square bases anyway not round so it can get kind of iffy anyway but either way the small minis uh and and then they kind of list everything here and they they they show you everything as opposed to listing it and i honestly think that kind of makes it seem small because you see like oh there's like five cards there right so it's very much it reminds me kind of like a travel game but it's not because there's a lot of stuff here and these guys are actually quite big they're just not humongous um but it's like 50 bucks for the starter set or a 109 bucks for like the the fancy collector's edition and 180 for the all-in you get everything um what's interesting about that and i wonder if we're gonna see more of the stuff like this when it comes to shipping and bulk size and stuff like that if people are actually more okay with smaller minis based off the numbers i would say no but it's not really apples to apple comparison now like i said legend sigmund has never had this like huge huge following or anything like that so oh pretty interesting oh they're all resin too they're like really nice um anytime it's like resin that small i do worry about breaking pieces off that would be my main concern with this and i guess if you are planning on getting this just be careful right when you see swords and shields and bows um resin breaks uh you can't get some pretty bendy resin i don't think they're doing that though moving on we have lobotomy two manhunt this one i actually quickly backed i don't know if i'll keep it so don't read into that i need to see the actual gameplay um but right now they are uh almost funded 92 funded they just launched a little bit earlier today at the time of recording 541 backers so 21 days to go they have a mix between day unlocks and money unlocks it's done by titanforge and i never realized that titanforge makes some great stl printable files i don't know about their board games but obviously they know many since that's kind of helpful to know definitely a cool style i have nothing like this in my collection at all like none uh both thematically and it looks like it it looks like a little bit like a zombicide style game but that doesn't i mean that's that could be very misleading i don't know i again i need to look more into it i just grabbed the uh the the pledge i think it was was it the madness pledge is that what i got yeah so i grabbed the madness pledge real quick um just just to like really like okay grab it okay now i'll go look because it's safe to do that so throw up some support right away because i am interested you can see a lot of these unlocks some silly silly stuff definitely a a tongue-in-cheek uh goofy thing going on here like this one here this this is obviously dc right there's harley quinn and the penguin and probably the joker i can't quite see too well but uh it's it in my opinion it does the um satire better than like a zombie side stretch goals in my mind just because they're they're like um they going fully into like this thing like there's morpheus there right and 11. so i think it looks like a lot of fun uh thematically i need to see if it's a lot of fun and gameplay either way one thing i'd like to notice is you see all these like numbers where it's telling you every single thing that you get so you know exactly what you're buying it shows it all and gives you the quantity just just keep that in mind we'll come back to it and because the kids for lauren did this exact same thing if you go there they're telling you exactly what you're getting go back up to the stuff you're actually getting yeah see 10 of these 20 of these one of these right so it's telling you one of these one of these six enemy sheets 200 plus battle cards so at least you get a number it's not going to say the exact quiet number um but 70 plus math cards either way you know a lot right um so anyway moving on from that we have deep rock galactic the board game this one's doing very well 2.2 million of course it is it's based off an ip that's  well loved well regarded a lot of people have a  lot of fun with that game and so having a board game sounds very cool too now whether mood is um ready to make a board game of this skill i always caution people whenever they get some big ip game that blew up on kickstarter that uh prepare for some some some rocky roads ahead um and not the ice cream kind but uh uh there will be some hurdles some growing pains for sure i think the map is ugly but i mean you're digging in dirt so it's whatever i think the minis look cool this is a very um mini's first gameplay second style campaign that doesn't mean the game's bad it just means how they're how they're presenting it um is is very much product first and that's fairly common but not always uh there's a lot that  you'll you'll get a good sense of the gameplay too uh or they'll do a whole bunch of deep dives or you know do whatever they do have the rule book open and they do have a few blurbs about it but honestly i couldn't tell you how it plays without digging into that like this is what you get and it's just too high level for me to really get a sense of it and then have some some videos too there's a robot there you can definitely read into it um but again even with like a product first gameplay second style campaign which we do get pretty often from a lot of different companies they are still giving you numbers 14 of these three of these three of these two of these one of these three of these um you know 33 of these only in the deluxe four of these um so they're giving you a lot of that kind of stuff so again you know what you're buying i said that because the next thing i'm talking about is unsettled if you're a long-term viewer of this channel you know what i'm about to say here um the team at orange nebula for unsettled for whatever reason doesn't do that um it's a great game that people have loved a lot i've heard a lot of good things about it it's rated well i don't think they present it the best um instead of being like really kind of like short and concise they'd give a ton of info which is cool though it's not all it's also not like a raw mechanism i draw two cards and then pick one to beyour objective or whatever it's like very fluff driven if that makes sense it's very high level all of it where you're just like try to survive you know there is no overarching campaign each play is isolated stand-alone experience and each planet may be played repeatedly so it's good info right but it's a lot like there's a lot here but one thing they don't do and they didn't in the first one too if you didn't know this this was on kickstarter before  they don't give you any quantity of what you're getting uh so to this day i don't know how many cards are in a planet when you buy one so you can buy this this uh maybe not this plan because that's included but they'll sell them for like 15 bucks but as you can see you don't get a a a listing here of what you get it says what's inside and it lists the cards but i don't like do you get how many is this is is this every single card you get how many do you go through when you go through a planet are you gonna go through all the content in one go or is it good or repeated or are you gonna see all the content but the order that it comes out is important there's a lot of questions i have and knowing a a quantity of what the product is would really help so that's my feedback forthis one kind of like kingdoms for lauren i think there's some feedback this one i think so too now i gave them the feedback in this one and they just they didn't listen that's because i'm just a guy on youtube that talks and uh my voice while it might be a little bit louder doesn't matter as much as actual consumers asking so unless the consumer base is saying hey we'd like you to do what literally like everybody else is doing um they're not going to do it right there's there's no need to what because i'll yell on on a video like they don't care um it's all it's all i mean consumers hold all the cards right because the cards are money um and it's not saying don't back it i i what i say is uh i i i consume loudly which means i buy the product but i complain right so in other words i'm saying hey i'm buying this but i would really like it if you listed the card count quantity all your other competitors are doing this uh all these other games that are on kickstarter right now are telling me exactly what the the amount of product i'm buying and i would just like to know that too you already have my money and i think it's a great game and i'm excited to play it i would just like some more please that right there means way more than anything i could yell about on here so um fyi uh if you are a backer of this you definitely hold more power than i do uh and so if you would like to see some kind it's like a costume i mean it's not gonna hurt them any um it's a great game that's been well reviewed i just think they could give some more info out on there there are people like me like i have this thing in my head where i struggle to pay for something i don't know what it is or exactly what i'm getting uh so i start with like loot boxes and stuff like that in video games or all that like i very much unless the objective is to be surprised right like have some surprise stuff um but if you're like actually wanting to buy a product i want to know exactly what's in there um when oswald came out they wanted to keep all those secret and i actually told them like i wouldn't i won't back it if you just have a whole bunch of secret monsters i need to know what i'm buying uh so they added that that link which was very helpful and i looked right at them so i knew exactly was buying and then i backed it because it looks really cool but that's besides the point anyway that's my feedback for them i think they could uh put some more there and honestly i mean it might help too so like right now they're at um 5 500 backers their last one was 10 000 some so they're they're around half the backers that they had last time they still have time to grow and part of it could be the price increase right it was 89 for planet one two and three plus a whole bunch of stuff and here it's ninety dollars for planet one and two in a few things so it's definitely um less for more but that's that's the the age we're in now uh as well uh so anyway is what it is moving on dying light the board game is in the works um you get used to this just just assume it's going to happen just like deep rock galactic it's like borderlands just like um uh um frost punk just like everything else master of the universe board games are more and more not the kingdoms for lauren style original universe we thought of and more the here's a popular video game let's quickly make it into a board game um the one thing i would caution here i hope it's great i actually have this

up it's i i need to finish tales of a rise but right after i finish that now i'm very close i'm on the last part of tales of rise once i finish that i do have dying light staying human that i plan on playing so don't don't spoil anything or anything like that i am interested in the ip actually so that's really cool but um they're making a board game of it the one thing i'd caution just like deep rock galactic just like i talked about when conan first came out just like i talked about um the um gosh what is the vampire game it's escaping my mind now um i can't think of it maybe you know what i'm talking about it's it's the the um a vampire game that kind of exploded oh it escapes my mind i want to spend video time trying to think of it either way first time creators making something big like this ip thing i always say this universally be cautious this is being done by glass cannon unplugged now they are probably really really cool that they're doingthis and it's really awesome however they have not delivered this and so when i hear that oh hey they're also working on this ideally they deliver frostpunk first it's another ip game that exploded did very well very big congrats to them i hope it's great i know they definitely care about the game and they are definitely thinking about the board game so i had i'm not saying the product is like badly done i'm just saying they haven't delivered a product and ideally you get that product first so um anyway yeah let's let's hope they don't pull accums for lauren where theywill launch before into the unknown uh or before uh uh a interest odyssey is delivered so ideally they deliver frostpunk it's amazing everybody loves it they launch dying light everybody loves it and it keeps going strong for them and they do very well i would very much caution though if it's on kickstarter beforehand just just know what you're getting into right just don't don't assume it's going to be smooth sailing until you know that a company has a track record of smooth sailing right uh come on up to a point uh or really their warehouse sale had that reputation right where it's like oh well it's a come on game i want to get the game it's going to be right around the same time so we're right on the correct shipping all that that's died now too it's very easy to lose trust it's very hard to gain it but ideally they do gain it one more here uh there is also speaking of ip uh this is the umbrella academy the board game there already was one this is a new one this is by mantic uh so if you know they've done a few ip based board games as well and this one's probably no different they typically do pretty good minis um so there is that this talks about i'll link to all these below so you can kind of see about how it is it's talking about only three bosses and each has its mission that would be only three missions so i'm kind of concerned about um actual gameplay content but um it's early so so we'll see but this is coming out soon as well there's a sign up here uh so if you follow this link you can read about it and you can sign up to kind of be notified on the kickstarter ideally they have a preview page but for some reason they like to get your email instead uh i think we all know why they like to hear email instead but anyway uh this is coming up as well and really that's it guys i tried to make this a little bit productive for everybody viewing so you know what's coming out uh what's on what's looming in on the horizon there is obviously more still coming right cinco cushion hasn't even launched yet i mean there's there's like there's some big things the celestial's coming right there's a ton on the way of course there always is keep in mind shipping prices whenever you're looking at a kickstarter keep in mind the company that you're dealing with and make sure you have confidence in them to deliver a great product and a great experience and uh otherwise have have fun and and just uh back smartly uh that's it that's all i had have a great rest of your day i'll talk to you guys again very very soon with some more info including a review so be the lookout for that take care guys bye


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